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Planes dropped fire retardant over the Texas Panhandle on Sunday and a small community was ordered to evacuate as firefighters kept up efforts to stamp out the largest wildfire in state history while contending with new blazes.周日,飞机在得克萨斯州狭

Planes dropped fire retardant over the Texas Panhandle on Sunday and a small community was ordered to evacuate as firefighters kept up efforts to stamp out the largest wildfire in state history while contending with new blazes.


Strong winds spread the flames further, prompting an evacuation order to be issued in Sanford, a town of a little more than 100 residents, according to the Amarillo office of the National Weather Service, which posted on X. A cluster of fires has burned more than 1,900 square miles (4,900 square kilometers) in rural areas surrounding Amarillo, including the largest blaze spilling into neighboring Oklahoma.


As firefighters battle to contain the unprecedented wildfires, humanitarian organizations are pivoting their attention to victims who have lost their homes and livelihoods in the blazes.

在消防员努力控制前所未有的野火之际, 人道主义组织正将注意力转向在火灾中失去家园和生计的受害者。

Residents began clearing affected property on Saturday, and by Sunday the extent of the loss began mounting.


Julie Winters, the executive director for Hutchinson County United Way, said the organization has heard estimates of over 150 homes being impacted in the county, noting that the fires extend to at least five other counties.

哈钦森县联合之路的执行主任朱莉·温特斯(Julie Winters)表示, 该组织已经了解到该县预计有 150 多座房屋受到影响, 且大火至少蔓延到其他五个县。

"We already know that a large group of people are uninsured who lost their homes. So without monetary assistance, it's going to be very hard for them to start back over," Winters said.

“我们已经了解到,有一大群人失去了家园且没有保险。 因此,没有金钱援助,他们将很难重新开始,”温特斯说。

During an interview with CNN on Sunday, U.S. Homeland security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said the federal government has devoted funds, equipment and personnel to assist with battling the fires, but warned that more extreme weather could be coming.

周日,在接受 CNN 采访时,国土安全部部长亚历杭德罗·马约卡斯表示, 联邦政府已经拨出资金、设备和人员协助扑灭火灾, 但警告称可能会出现更极端的天气。

As of Sunday afternoon, the Smokehouse Creek fire, which has burned over 1 million acres, was 15% contained. Two other fires that have burned a combined 180,000 acres (72843. 49 hectares), were 60% contained. Authorities have not said what ignited the fires, but strong winds, dry grass and unseasonably warm temperatures fed the blazes.

截至周日下午,已烧毁100多万英亩的Smokehouse Creek大火已控制了15%。另外两起大火总共烧毁了180000英亩(72843。49公顷),60%得到控制。当局尚未说明是什么点燃了大火,但强风、干草和反常的温暖温度助长了大火。


fire retardant阻燃剂;防火材料;防火剂

on Sunday在星期天

small community小社区

according to根据按照按依照据

National Weather Service国家气象局缩写词为NWS

A cluster of一组一群一簇成群的一串

more than超过,超出,超出……的比……更非常,极其比……更重要超出需要,超乎寻常

square kilometers平方公里千米平方千米

rural areas农村地区

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