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The Three Gorges, a magnificent canyon in the Yangtze River, is one of the top ten scenic spots in China. It starts from Baidi City in Fengjie County, Sichuan Province in the west and extends eastward to Nanjinguan in Yichang City, Hubei Province.


三峡,是万里长江一段风景壮丽的大峡谷,为中国十大风景名胜之一。它西起四川省奉节县的白帝城,向东延伸至湖北省宜昌市的南津关,由瞿塘峡、巫峡、西陵峡组成,全长192公里。长江三峡,无 限风光。瞿塘峡的雄伟,巫峡的秀丽,西陵峡的险峻,还有三段峡谷的大宁河、香溪、神农溪的古朴,并伴随着许多美丽的神话和动人的传说,令人心驰神往。


The Three Gorges, a magnificent canyon in the Yangtze River, is one of the top ten scenic spots in China. It starts from Baidi City in Fengjie County, Sichuan Province in the west and extends eastward to Nanjinguan in Yichang City, Hubei Province. It consists of Qutang Gorge, Wu Gorge and Xiling Gorge, with a total length of 192 kilometers. The Three Gorges of the Yangtze River are full of scenery. The majesty of Qutang Gorge, the beauty of Wu Gorge, the steepness of Xiling Gorge, as well as the simplicity of the Daning River, Xiangxi and Shennongxi in the three sections of the canyon, accompanied by many beautiful myths and touching legends, are fascinating.


1、原句“三峡,是万里长江一段风景壮丽的大峡谷,为中国十大风景名胜之一。”被翻译为“The Three Gorges, a magnificent canyon in the Yangtze River, is one of the top ten scenic spots in China.” 这里的“三峡”被直译为“The Three Gorges”,既保留了原意,又符合英文表达习惯。

“风景壮丽的大峡谷”翻译为“a magnificent canyon”,准确传达了三峡的自然美景。“为中国十大风景名胜之一”翻译为“is one of the top ten scenic spots in China”,简洁明了地表达了三峡在中国的地位。

2、“它西起四川省奉节县的白帝城,向东延伸至湖北省宜昌市的南津关,由瞿塘峡、巫峡、西陵峡组成,全长192公里。”这部分描述了三峡的地理位置和组成。翻译为“It starts from Baidi City in Fengjie County, Sichuan Province in the west and extends eastward to Nanjinguan in Yichang City, Hubei Province. It consists of Qutang Gorge, Wu Gorge and Xiling Gorge, with a total length of 192 kilometers.”

其中,“西起”和“向东延伸至”分别翻译为“starts from”和“extends eastward to”,准确地表达了三峡的走向。“由……组成”翻译为“consists of”,简洁明了。“全长192公里”翻译为“with a total length of 192 kilometers”,符合英文表达习惯。


这部分是对三峡风光的赞美和描述。翻译为“The Three Gorges of the Yangtze River are full of scenery. The majesty of Qutang Gorge, the beauty of Wu Gorge, the steepness of Xiling Gorge, as well as the simplicity of the Daning River, Xiangxi and Shennongxi in the three sections of the canyon, accompanied by many beautiful myths and touching legends, are fascinating.”

这里,“无限风光”翻译为“are full of scenery”,简洁明了地表达了三峡的美丽景色。“瞿塘峡的雄伟,巫峡的秀丽,西陵峡的险峻”分别翻译为“The majesty of Qutang Gorge, the beauty of Wu Gorge, the steepness of Xiling Gorge”,准确传达了各个峡谷的特色。“古朴”翻译为“simplicity”,符合英文表达习惯。“令人心驰神往”翻译为“are fascinating”,表达了三峡景色的吸引力。

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