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Posting door gods during the Chinese New Year is an important custom. Door gods are portraits of gods that are posted on the doors inside and outside the house.



中国人春节张贴门神(doorgods)像是一项重要的风俗。门神像就是张贴在屋内屋外门上的神灵的画像。人们希望它们能驱鬼、保护家人、带来平安和吉祥。胖娃娃的图画通常被认为是屋内的门神,意味着好运、长寿和人丁兴旺。大门的门神有几种不同的形式,最早的门神是神荼(Shen Shu)和郁垒。如今,最常见的门神是元朝时期流行起来的秦叔宝和尉迟恭(YuchiGong)。秦叔宝皮肤煞白,常常佩剑;而尉迟恭皮肤黝黑,常常佩棍。他们总是成对地出现。


Posting door gods during the Chinese New Year is an important custom. Door gods are portraits of gods that are posted on the doors inside and outside the house. People hope that they can drive away ghosts, protect their families, and bring peace and good luck. The drawing of fat babies is usually considered to be the door god inside the house, which means good luck, longevity, and prosperity. There are several different forms of door gods for the main entrance. The earliest door gods were Shen Shu and Yu Lei. Nowadays, the most common door gods are Qin Shubao and Yuchi Gong, who were popular during the Yuan Dynasty. Qin Shubao has a white skin and often wears a sword; while Yuchi Gong has a dark skin and often wears a stick. They always appear in pairs.


1、“中国人春节张贴门神像是一项重要的风俗。” 这句话的翻译是“Posting door gods during the Chinese New Year is an important custom.”。这里,“张贴”被翻译为“posting”,准确传达了原文的动作含义;

“门神像”被翻译为“door gods”,这是英文中常用的对门神的称呼,能够准确传达原文的意思;“春节”被翻译为“Chinese New Year”,这是春节在国际上的通用称呼,易于被英文读者理解。

2、“门神像就是张贴在屋内屋外门上的神灵的画像。” 这句话的翻译是“Door gods are portraits of gods that are posted on the doors inside and outside the house.”。

这里,“神灵”被翻译为“gods”,符合英文中对神灵的称呼习惯;“屋内屋外门上”被翻译为“on the doors inside and outside the house”,清晰地传达了门神张贴的位置。

3、“人们希望它们能驱鬼、保护家人、带来平安和吉祥。” 这句话的翻译是“People hope that they can drive away ghosts, protect their families, and bring peace and good luck.”。

这里,“驱鬼”被翻译为“drive away ghosts”,保留了原文的文化含义;“保护家人”被翻译为“protect their families”,直接明了;“带来平安和吉祥”被翻译为“bring peace and good luck”,准确传达了原文的寓意。

4、“胖娃娃的图画通常被认为是屋内的门神,意味着好运、长寿和人丁兴旺。” 这句话的翻译是“The drawing of fat babies is usually considered to be the door god inside the house, which means good luck, longevity, and prosperity.”。

这里,“胖娃娃”被翻译为“fat babies”,简洁易懂;“人丁兴旺”被翻译为“prosperity”,虽然不是直译,但准确传达了原文的寓意。

5、“大门的门神有几种不同的形式,最早的门神是神荼和郁垒。” 这句话的翻译是“There are several different forms of door gods for the main entrance. The earliest door gods were Shen Shu and Yu Lei.”。

这里,“大门的门神”被翻译为“door gods for the main entrance”,准确描述了门神的种类;“神荼和郁垒”被直接翻译为“Shen Shu and Yu Lei”,保留了原文的文化特色。

6、“如今,最常见的门神是元朝时期流行起来的秦叔宝和尉迟恭。” 这句话的翻译是“Nowadays, the most common door gods are Qin Shubao and Yuchi Gong, who were popular during the Yuan Dynasty.”。

这里,“元朝时期流行起来的”被翻译为“who were popular during the Yuan Dynasty”,清晰地描述了门神秦叔宝和尉迟恭的流行时期。

7、“秦叔宝皮肤煞白,常常佩剑;而尉迟恭皮肤黝黑,常常佩棍。” 这句话的翻译是“Qin Shubao has a white skin and often wears a sword; while Yuchi Gong has a dark skin and often wears a stick.”。

这里,“皮肤煞白”和“皮肤黝黑”分别被翻译为“has a white skin”和“has a dark skin”,准确地描述了两位门神的肤色;“佩剑”和“佩棍”分别被翻译为“wears a sword”和“wears a stick”,清晰明了。

8、“他们总是成对地出现。” 这句话的翻译是“They always appear in pairs.”。这里,“成对地出现”被翻译为“appear in pairs”,简洁准确地传达了原文的意思。

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