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Reading is a magical thing. It takes you to places you have never been and introduces you to people you have never met. Whether you're reading a novel, a history book, or a science textbook, you're always learning something new.

Reading is a magical thing. It takes you to places you have never been and introduces you to people you have never met. Whether you're reading a novel, a history book, or a science textbook, you're always learning something new.

One of the best things about reading is that it can transport you to another world. imagine sitting in your room, but feeling like you're in the middle of a dense forest or walking on the moon. Reading allows you to experience things that are impossible in real life.

Reading also helps you understand people from different cultures and backgrounds. When you read a book written by someone from another country, you get a glimpse into their way of life, their beliefs, and their values. This broadens your perspective and makes you more understanding and tolerant of others.

Moreover, reading improves your vocabulary and grammar skills. The more books you read, the more words you encounter, and the better you become at using them in your own writing and speech.

Lastly, reading is a great way to relax and unwind after a long day. It can help you forget about your worries and troubles, and take you to a world of pure imagination and fun.

So why not pick up a book today and let its magic take you to new places, introduce you to new people, and help you learn and grow?


1、What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Reading is an activity that broadens one's horizons.

B. Reading is a magical thing that takes you to new places.

C. Reading is a way to learn new words and grammar.

D. Reading is a relaxing activity after a busy day.

2、What does the second paragraph mainly talk about?

A. The importance of reading novels.

B. The ability of reading to transport you to another world.

C. The feeling of being in a dense forest.

D. The experience of walking on the moon.

3、How does reading help you understand people from different cultures?

A. By showing you their way of life.

B. By teaching you their beliefs.

C. By introducing you to their values.

D. By combining all of the above.

4、What is NOT mentioned as a benefit of reading in the passage?

A. Improving vocabulary and grammar skills.

B. Transporting you to different parts of the world.

C. Helping you make more friends.

D. Being a way to relax and unwind.

5、What is the author's suggestion at the end of the passage?

A. To stop reading books.

B. To read more books.

C. To write your own book.

D. To share books with others.


1、B. Reading is a magical thing that takes you to new places.

解释:文章首段明确指出“Reading is a magical thing. It takes you to places you have never been...”,因此文章的主旨是阅读可以带你到新的地方,具有神奇的魔力。

2、B. The ability of reading to transport you to another world.

解释:第二段提到“One of the best things about reading is that it can transport you to another world.”,主要讨论了阅读能够带你进入另一个世界的能力。

3、D. By combining all of the above.

解释:第三段提到“When you read a book written by someone from another country, you get a glimpse into their way of life, their beliefs, and their values.”,说明通过阅读他人的书籍,你可以了解到他们的生活方式、信仰和价值观,所以答案是结合上述所有方面。

4、C. Helping you make more friends.


5、B. To read more books.

解释:最后一段提到“So why not pick up a book today and let its magic take you to new places...”,作者建议读者拿起一本书,让它的魔力带你到新的地方,帮助你学习和成长,因此作者的建议是多读一些书。

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