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The 24 solar terms are a unique way of dividing the year in traditional Chinese culture. Among them, Guyu, the 6th solar term of spring, signifies the end of spring and the beginning of summer.

The 24 solar terms are a unique way of dividing the year in traditional Chinese culture. Among them, Guyu, the 6th solar term of spring, signifies the end of spring and the beginning of summer.

During Guyu, the spring rains are abundant, nourishing the newly sprouted plants and preparing the soil for the summer crops. Farmers are busy planting rice and other crops, hoping for a bountiful harvest in autumn.

In ancient times, people believed that the rain during Guyu was special, as it carried the essence of the heavens and could bring good luck and prosperity. Therefore, various customs and traditions were associated with this time of year.

One such custom was to offer prayers to the gods for a good harvest. Families would gather together, prepare offerings, and pray for a plentiful year. Children were also taught about the importance of respecting nature and hard work during this time.

Another popular custom was to drink tea, especially the new tea leaves picked during this period. It was believed that drinking this tea could detoxify the body and enhance one's health.


1、What does Guyu signify in traditional Chinese culture?

A. The beginning of spring.

B. The end of spring and the beginning of summer.

C. The middle of summer.

D. The end of autumn.

2、What are farmers busy doing during Guyu?

A. Harvesting crops.

B. Preparing offerings to the gods.

C. Planting rice and other crops.

D. Gathering for festivals.

3、Why was the rain during Guyu considered special in ancient times?

A. It was believed to bring good luck and prosperity.

B. It was the only time of year when it rained.

C. It was the heaviest rain of the year.

D. It was the cleanest and purest rain.

4、What was one of the customs related to Guyu?

A. Drinking old tea leaves.

B. Offering prayers to the gods for a good harvest.

C. Picking flowers in the fields.

D. Preparing special food for children.

5、What was believed about drinking new tea leaves during Guyu?

A. It could bring bad luck.

B. It could detoxify the body.

C. It was a waste of time.

D. It was only for the elderly.



【解析】根据文章第一段“Guyu, the 6th solar term of spring, signifies the end of spring and the beginning of summer.”可知,谷雨是春季的第六个节气,标志着春天的结束和夏天的开始。因此,答案是B。


【解析】根据文章第二段“During Guyu, the spring rains are abundant, nourishing the newly sprouted plants and preparing the soil for the summer crops. Farmers are busy planting rice and other crops, hoping for a bountiful harvest in autumn.”可知,在谷雨期间,春雨充沛,滋养着新发芽的植物,为夏季作物准备土壤。农民们忙着种植水稻和其他作物,希望秋天能有一个丰收。因此,答案是C。


【解析】根据文章第三段“In ancient times, people believed that the rain during Guyu was special, as it carried the essence of the heavens and could bring good luck and prosperity.”可知,在古代,人们认为谷雨期间的雨水很特别,因为它携带了天地的精华,能带来好运和繁荣。因此,答案是A。


【解析】根据文章第四段“One such custom was to offer prayers to the gods for a good harvest.”可知,谷雨期间的一个习俗是向神祈祷丰收。因此,答案是B。


【解析】根据文章最后一段“It was believed that drinking this tea could detoxify the body and enhance one's health.”可知,人们相信喝新茶可以排毒并增强健康。因此,答案是B。

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