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431、get doing sth 开始做某事

例句:Once you get doing something, it's easier to keep going. 一旦你开始做某事,继续下去就更容易了。

432、get to do sth 开始/渐渐做某事

例句:I finally got to do the thing I've been dreaming of for years. 我终于开始做我梦寐以求的事情了。

433、get along / on (with) (与……)相处融洽;进展

例句:How are you getting along with your new colleagues? 你和你的新同事相处得怎么样?

434、get away (from) 离开;摆脱

例句:I need to get away from all this stress for a while. 我需要暂时离开这些压力。

435、get back 回来;返回;取回

例句:Can you get back my book that I left at your house? 你能取回我落在你家的书吗?

436、get down (从……)下来

例句:Please get down from the tree, it's dangerous. 请从树上下来,这很危险。

437、get in 进入;(飞机、火车等)抵达

例句:The train is expected to get in at 9 p.m. 火车预计晚上九点抵达。

438、get into 进入;陷入;养成(习惯)

例句:She got into the habit of reading before bed. 她养成了睡前阅读的习惯。

439、get off 下车;脱下(衣服等)

例句:Please get off the bus at the next stop. 请在下一站下车。

440、get on 上车 / 马

例句:After the stop, people started to get on the bus. 站点过后,人们开始上车。

441、get out (of) (从……)出去;离开;摆脱

例句:I need to get out of this situation as soon as possible. 我需要尽快摆脱这个困境。

442、get over 越过 (墙等);克服(困难等)

例句:It took her a long time to get over the loss of her pet. 她花了很长时间才克服失去宠物的痛苦。

443、get through 通过;(电话)打通

例句:I tried calling you several times but couldn't get through. 我试着给你打了好几次电话,但都没打通。

444、get together 聚集;相聚一处

例句:We're planning to get together for a reunion next month. 我们计划下个月聚在一起搞个聚会。

445、get up 起床;起立

例句:It's time to get up, you'll be late for school. 该起床了,你上学要迟到了。

446、give sb sth / give sth to sb 给某人某物/把某物给某人

例句:Can you give me that book / give that book to me? 你能把那本书给我吗?

447、give away 送掉;赠送;泄露

例句:She decided to give away all her old clothes. 她决定把所有的旧衣服都送人。

448、give back 归还

例句:I borrowed a book from the library and need to give it back soon. 我从图书馆借了一本书,需要尽快归还。

449、give in 让步;屈服

例句:After a long argument, he finally gave in to her demands. 经过长时间的争论,他最终屈服于她的要求。

450、give off 发出(气味、光、热等)

例句:The flowers in the garden give off a pleasant scent. 花园里的花散发出宜人的香气。

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