失踪5天后,《黄石》美剧男演员cole brings plenty被发现离奇去世

在欧美娱乐圈中,一个神秘的现象——“27岁俱乐部(27 Club)”,似乎再次被应验。这个令人痛心的“俱乐部”,聚集了那些在27岁神秘离世的摇滚与影视界天才。近日,美国27岁男演员Cole Brings Plenty的离世,再次引发了人们对这个诅咒般的年龄段的关注。

在欧美娱乐圈中,一个神秘的现象——“27岁俱乐部(27 Club)”,似乎再次被应验。这个令人痛心的“俱乐部”,聚集了那些在27岁神秘离世的摇滚与影视界天才。

近日,美国27岁男演员Cole Brings Plenty的离世,再次引发了人们对这个诅咒般的年龄段的关注。


Cole Brings Plenty, the “1923” actor who went missing last weekend, was found dead Friday in a wooded area in Kansas, police and his family said.

警方和《1923》剧中的演员Cole Brings Plenty的家人表示,上周失踪的Cole Brings Plenty于周五在堪萨斯州的一片树林中被发现死亡。

The actor, 27, was last seen in the early morning hours of March 31 leaving the Lawrence, Kansas, area in a white Ford Explorer, according to a “missing” flier posted to the Instagram page of his uncle, “Yellowstone” actor Mo Brings Plenty.

根据他叔叔《黄石》的演员Mo Brings Plenty在Instagram上发布的“失踪”寻人启事显示,这位27岁的演员最后一次被见到是在3月31日凌晨,当时他离开堪萨斯州劳伦斯地区,驾驶着一辆白色福特探险者。

Cole Brings plenty was also identified previously as a suspect involved in a domestic violence dispute, according to a Facebook post by the Lawrence Police department in Kansas.

根据堪萨斯州劳伦斯警察局在Facebook上发布的信息,Cole Brings Plenty之前被认定为涉及一起家庭暴力纠纷的嫌疑人。

The body of Brings Plenty was found and identified after Johnson County, Kansas, deputies were dispatched to an area in reference to an unoccupied vehicle on Friday, the sheriff’s office said in a news release. There, they discovered a deceased male “in a wooded area away from the vehicle,” police said.

警方在一份新闻稿中表示,约翰逊县(位于堪萨斯州)的副警员被派往一个地区,调查一辆无人占用的车辆,在那里发现了Cole Brings Plenty的遗体。警方表示,他们在远离车辆的一处树林中发现了一名死亡的男性。

“I am deeply saddened to confirm that my son, Cole, has been found and is no longer with us,” his father, Joe Brings Plenty Sr., and family said in a statement. “We want to express our heartfelt gratitude to everyone for the prayers and positive thoughts you sent for Cole. We would also like to thank everyone who came to walk beside us as we searched for my son and provided the resources we needed to expand our search areas. I learned this week how many people knew the goodness in Cole’s heart and loved him.”

“我深感悲痛地证实,我的儿子Cole 已经被找到,但他已经离我们而去,”他的父亲Joe Brings Plenty Sr.和家人在一份声明中说,“我们想要向所有为Cole 祈祷、给予积极想法的人表达我们衷心的感谢。我们也想感谢所有陪伴我们寻找我儿子的人,他们提供了我们扩大搜索范围所需的资源。这周我了解到,很多人都知道科尔内心的善良,并爱他。”

Days before he was found, police said they had “probable cause” for Brings Plenty’s arrest in response to the allegations of domestic violence, according to a statement from Lawrence police.

在他被发现的前几天,警方表示,他们有足够的理由逮捕Brings Plenty,以回应家庭暴力的指控,这是劳伦斯警方的一份声明中提到的。

“Officers responded to reports of a female screaming for help, but the suspect fled before officers arrived,” the statement read. He was last seen on traffic cameras “leaving the city immediately after the incident” on Sunday, according to the statement.


The family contacted officers, expressed concern and reported Brings Plenty as a missing person, the statement said.

声明中称,该家属联系了警方,表达了担忧,并报案称Brings Plenty 失踪,。

Early on Wednesday, Brings Plenty’s manager and publicist Michelle Shining Elk told CNN in a statement, “Despite our persistent efforts, we have been unable to establish contact with Cole; his disappearance without informing anyone of his whereabouts is not characteristic of him and is deeply concerning.”

周三早些时候,Brings Plenty 的经纪人和公关 Michelle Shining Elk 在一份声明中告诉CNN,“尽管我们一直在努力,但一直未能与科尔取得联系;他不告而别,不符合他的性格,我们深感担忧。”

In addition to appearing in two episodes of the “Yellowstone” Western series prequel “1923,” the actor’s other credits include appearances in TV series “Into the Wild Frontier” and “The Tall Tales of Jim Bridger,” according to his IMDb page.

根据IMDb页面上的信息,布林格斯普利除了在西部系列剧前传《1923》的两集中出演外,还出演过电视剧《Into the Wild Frontier》和《The Tall Tales of Jim Bridger》。


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