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  1. It has become increasingly common to ... ...变得越来越常见
  2. We are witnessing a growing trend in ... 我们正在目睹...的上升趋势
  3. There is a noticeable increase in ... ...明显增加
  4. In recent years, there has been a surge in ... 近年来,...急剧增加
  5. It is now widely accepted that ... 现在,...被广泛接受


  1. Many people are of the opinion that ... 许多人认为...
  2. It is often said that ... 常说...
  3. There is a widespread belief that ... 普遍认为...
  4. Experts argue that ... 专家认为...
  5. A common view is that ... 普遍看法是...


  1. Views on ... vary greatly among people. 人们对...的看法大相径庭
  2. There are conflicting opinions about ... 关于...存在不同的观点
  3. While some people argue that ..., others maintain that ... 一些人认为...,而另一些人坚持认为...
  4. People's attitudes towards ... are divided. 人们对待...的态度分歧
  5. There is a heated debate over ... 关于...有激烈的争论


  1. Imagine a situation where ... 想象一个...的情况
  2. Let me paint a picture of ... 让我描述一下...
  3. Suppose ... 假设...
  4. Consider the case of ... 考虑...的情况
  5. Think of ... as an example. 以...为例


  1. One of the advantages of ... is that ... ...的一个优点是...
  2. Despite its advantages, ... is not without its flaws. 尽管有其优点,...也有其缺点
  3. The influence of ... on ... cannot be underestimated. ...对...的影响不可小觑
  4. ... has both positive and negative aspects. ...既有积极的一面,也有消极的一面
  5. The impact of ... on ... is significant. ...对...的影响是显著的


  1. The primary reason for ... is ... ...的主要原因...
  2. Several factors contribute to ... ...有几个因素导致
  3. It can be attributed to ... 这可以归因于...
  4. One possible explanation is ... 一个可能的解释是...
  5. The cause of ... is multifaceted. ...的原因是多方面的

七、 中间/结尾段常用引出解决方法句型

  1. To overcome ..., it is essential to ... 为了克服...,必须...
  2. A possible solution to ... is to ... 解决...的可能方法是...
  3. We must take steps to ... 我们必须采取措施...
  4. Efforts should be made to ... 应努力...
  5. It is high time that we ... 我们早该...


  1. In my view, ... 在我看来...
  2. As far as I am concerned, ... 就我而言...
  3. I am convinced that ... 我确信...
  4. From my perspective, ... 从我的角度看...
  5. Personally, I believe that ... 我个人认为...

九、 图表作文开头段常用引出总体趋势的句型

  1. The chart reveals a clear pattern in ... 图表揭示了...的明显模式
  2. A noticeable trend depicted by the graph is ... 图表显示的显著趋势是...
  3. The data point to a significant change in ... 数据指出...有重大变化
  4. The diagram shows a steady increase in ... 图表显示了...的稳定增长
  5. The curve illustrates the fluctuation of ... 曲线展示了...的波动


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