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1. accelerate vt. 加速,增速

例句:The new technology has accelerated the pace of innovation. 新技术加速了创新的步伐。

派生词: acceleration n. 加速

固定搭配:accelerate growth 加速增长

2. account n. 账户、考虑

例句:The company has several accounts for different departments. 公司为不同的部门设有几个账户。

固定搭配:take sth. into account 把考虑在内

3. accustom vt.使习惯

例句:He has been accustom to waking up early for years. 他多年来已经习惯了早起。

固定搭配:be accustomed to

4. adapt vi. 适应

例句:Birds adapt to different climates as they migrate. 随着迁徙,鸟类适应了不同的气候。

固定搭配:adapt to适应

5. adjust vi.适应

例句:She adjusted her schedule to accommodate the new job. 她调整了自己的日程来适应新工作。

固定搭配:adjust to...适应

6. advocate vt. 宣扬

例句:The organization advocates for better environmental policies. 该组织倡导更好的环保政策。

7. affluent a.富裕的

例句:The affluent residents enjoy the luxury of private pools. 富裕的居民享受着私人泳池的奢华。

派生词: affluence n. 富裕

8. annoy vt.使烦恼, 使恼怒

例句:The constant noise annoyed the neighbors. 持续的噪音让邻居们感到烦恼。

- Derived Words: annoying a. 令人恼人的; annoyance n. 烦恼

9. ascribe vt.把归咎于

例句:The accident was ascribed to driver error. 事故被归咎于司机的错误。

固定搭配:ascribe..to 归因于

10. assess vt.评估

例句:The government assesses the value of the property for tax purposes. 政府为了税收目的评估财产的价值。

派生词: assessment n. 评估

11. assign vt.指派,选派;分配,布置

例句:The teacher assigns homework to the class. 老师给全班布置了作业。

派生词: assignment 作业

12. assume vt.假象、假定

例句:I assume you are familiar with the project details. 我假定你对项目细节很熟悉。

13. attain vt.获得

例句:The athlete attained a world record in the 100-meter dash. 这位运动员在100米短跑中获得了世界纪录。

固定搭配:attain ones ideal 达到理想

14. attribute vt. 把归因于

例句:Scientists attribute the extinction of dinosaurs to a meteor impact. 科学家们把恐龙的灭绝归因于陨石撞击。

固定搭配:attribute sth. to 把...归咎于

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