
Anne-Marie 刚刚向全世界介绍了她的小公主,大家纷纷在评论区表示祝福。她在Instagram上发布了一张亲吻女儿的照片,粉丝们纷纷留言表示祝贺,并感叹母爱的伟大。

Anne-Marie 刚刚向全世界介绍了她的小公主,大家纷纷在评论区表示祝福。



Anne-Marie has introduced her daughter to the world after her ‘secret’ pregnancy with rapper Slowthai.

Anne-Marie 在“秘密”怀上说唱歌手Slowthai的孩子后,向全世界介绍了她的女儿。

Last month , the Psycho singer, 33, and the Feel Away rapper, 29 – whose real name is Tyron Frampton – were pictured together out and about with a tiny baby, and now Anne-Marie has officially introduced her to the world.

上个月,这位33岁的《 Psycho》的演唱者和这位29岁的《 Feel Away 》的说唱歌手(真名Tyron Frampton )被拍到带着一个小宝宝一起外出,现在Anne-Marie正式将这个小宝宝介绍给全世界。

Taking to Instagram with a picture of her kissing the little one while out and about, the Voice judge wrote: ‘2024 is my favourite year already. We have a new member of our gang.

这位《Voice 》节目评委在Instagram上发布了一张她亲吻小宝贝的照片,并写道:“2024年是我最喜欢的一年。我们的队伍添加新成员了。

‘I know I need to tidy my wardrobe. We’re having bbqs everyday that the sun is shining. I’m so excited for the summer shows coming up, I’ve missed you all so much. I want cuddles please.’


The star looked super casual with a brunette, short fringe and an edgy cut alongside a check shirt, as she kissed her daughter who was bundled up in a baby grow facing away from the camera.


Alongside the snap were a few other pictures. One showed Anne-Marie in her messy bedroom, another was a selfie of the star wrapped up in a big stripey jumper, and a third was a video of Anne-Marie showing off her new hair coupled up with some edgy earrings.

除了这张照片外,还有一些其他的照片。其中一张是Anne-Marie 在她凌乱的卧室里的照片,另一张是她裹着大条纹连帽衫的自拍,第三张是Anne-Marie 炫耀她的新发型和一些前卫耳环的视频。

Anne-Marie is said to have welcomed her daughter in February, with a source telling The Sun the couple have named the baby Seven, after the singer’s lucky number.

据说Anne-Marie 在2月份迎来了她的女儿,有消息人士告诉《太阳报》,这对夫妇给孩子取名叫赛文,这是歌手的幸运数字。

‘It is Anne-Marie’s lucky number and she even has 0707 tattooed on her because she sees them as her angel numbers,’ the source said.


‘She was born last month … and both of them are absolutely delighted.’


‘Anne-Marie has always wanted to be a mum so this is an amazing time for her.’


Birthday hitmaker Anne-Marie opened up about her tattoos to The Star, explaining ‘when you see double numbers, your angels are supposed to be with you and seven is my favourite number.

《Birthday 》的创作者安妮·玛丽曾向《星报》透露了她的纹身含义,她解释说:“当你看到重复的数字时,意味着你的守护天使就在你身边,而七是我的幸运数字。

‘Because of where the tattoo is, when I look in the mirror I can see it.’


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