既不漂亮 也不会演戏?悉尼妹这样回击





A representative for Sydney Sweeney has issued a fiery statement in response to a top Hollywood producer who said Sweeney ‘isn’t pretty’ and ‘can’t act.’


Carol Baum, who produced significant blockbusters like Father of the Bride and Buffy the Vampire Slayer and now teaches at a university, recently slated the 26-year-old actress in front of a large audience in New York, saying she can’t understand why Sweeney is so popular.

Carol Baum曾制作过《岳父大人》和《吸血鬼猎人巴菲》这样的大片,现在在一家大学任教。她最近在纽约当着众多观众的面批评了这位 26 岁的女演员,表示不理解为什么斯威尼会这么受欢迎。

In response to the seemingly random attack, Sweeney’s rep told Metro.co.uk: ‘How sad that a woman in the position to share her expertise and experience chooses instead to attack another woman.

针对这一看似随意的攻击,斯威尼的发言人告诉 Metro网站:“一位本可以分享专业知识和经验的女性,却选择攻击另一位女性,这真是太可悲了。

‘If that’s what she’s learned in her decades in the industry and feels is appropriate to teach to her students, that’s shameful. To unjustly disparage a fellow female producer speaks volumes about Ms Baum’s character.’



西德妮·斯威尼(Sydney Sweeney)1997年出生,是好莱坞非常受欢迎的演员兼制片人,曾出演《毁灭僵尸》、《亢奋》、《白莲花度假村》等影视剧。


The Euphoria actress is one of the fastest-rising Gen Z stars – but she can’t seem to escape being the center of bizarre online discourse.

这位《亢奋》女演员是崛起最快的 Z 世代明星之一,但她似乎无法摆脱成为奇怪网络言论中心的命运。

First, her boobs were made into a political symbol for the far right, and now she’s facing petty insults from one of Hollywood’s top female producers.


In a talkback session after a showing of Baum’s 1988 film Dead Ringers, Baum spoke with New York Times film critic Janet Maslin about the current state of the film industry.

在鲍姆 1988 年的电影《孽扣》放映后的观众互动环节中,鲍姆与《纽约时报》电影评论家 Janet Maslin 讨论了电影行业的现状。

She said: ‘There’s an actress who everybody loves now – Sydney Sweeney.’


The producer went on to say that she watched Sweeney’s rom-com Anyone But You on a plane and was not impressed by Sweeney’s performance: ‘I don’t get Sydney Sweeney. I was watching on the plane Sydney Sweeney’s movie because I wanted to watch it.


‘I wanted to know who she is and why everybody’s talking about her,’ she told Maslin and the audience.

‘我想知道她是谁,为什么每个人都在谈论她’,她告诉Maslin 和观众。

‘I watched this unwatchable movie – sorry to people who love this movie – [this] romantic comedy where they hate each other.’


Referencing her position as a professor at the USC School of Cinematic Arts, Baum continued: ‘I said to my class, “Explain this girl to me. She’s not pretty, she can’t act. Why is she so hot?”


‘Nobody had an answer but then the question was asked, “Well if you could get your movie made because she was in it, would you do it?”


‘I said, “Well that’s a really good question…that’s a very hard question to answer because we all want to get the movie made and who walks away from a green light? Nobody I know. Your job is to get the movie made.”’


Janet Maslin later confirmed that the exchange did take place and agreed that the film is unwatchable, posting on X: ‘It IS unwatchable. Carol Baum said this after we screened “Dead Ringers” at the Jacob Burns Film Center and she mentioned having seen “Anyone But You” on a plane. But “Dead Ringers,” b/o a book Baum optioned 10 years before David Cronenberg adapted it, gets better and better.’

Janet Maslin后来证实了这次对话确实发生过,并且她也认为这部电影确实不忍直视,她在X上发帖说:“这部电影确实不忍直视。我们在雅各布·伯恩斯电影中心放映《孽扣》后,Carol Baum后说了这番话,她提到她在飞机上看过《只想爱你》。但《孽扣》因为是鲍姆十年前大卫·柯南伯格改编前就买下的版权,所以越来越好看。”

Baum 总共制作了34部电影,最为人知的或许是她与Sandollar Productions的合作,这是多莉·帕顿与她的前经纪人Sandy Gallin共同创办的电视电影制作公司。

敢于正面、犀利回击Carol Baum的言论,不得不说,悉尼妹是真的刚。

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