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联合国最新报告显示,全球性健康和生殖健康差距日益扩大。非洲女性死于妊娠并发症的概率是欧美的130倍,而在发生人道主义危机的国家,每天有近500名产妇死亡。下面请看相关双语报道。[Photo/CFP]The UK and the US are two such countries. The report places them in a g



The UK and the US are two such countries. The report places them in a group of just 19 countries around the world which are “estimated to have a higher maternal mortality ratio (the number of maternal deaths per 100,000 live births) in 2020 than in 1990.” In both countries, Black women and the poorest women are the most likely to die. In the US, Hispanic women are also at a higher risk of maternal mortality than the national average.

报告称,全球有19个国家 “估测的2020年孕产妇死亡率(每10万活产婴儿中的孕产妇死亡人数)高于1990年”,美国和英国就是其中之二。在这两个国家,黑人女性和贫困女性的死亡率最高。在美国,拉美裔孕产妇死亡率也高于全美平均水平。

The report tracks progress in multiple areas, including teenage pregnancy rates, HIV infection rates, domestic violence legislation and women and girls’ access to contraception. But some of its most disturbing findings regard maternal mortality, which refers to deaths during, and following, pregnancy and childbirth.


“There has been zero reduction in maternal mortality since 2016,” the report states, adding that “in an alarming number of countries, rates are rising.”


"Mothers are not dying because of diseases we cannot treat. They are dying because societies have yet to make the decision that their lives are worth saving", said former UN director, Dr. Mahmoud Fathalla.


In all parts of the world, various factors beyond race and ethnicity also come into play such as caste, immigration status, sexual orientation. conflict and humanitarian crises also result in nearly 500 preventable maternal deaths a day. And aside from inequalities within countries, inequalities between countries persist and are stark. “An African woman who experiences pregnancy and childbirth complications is around 130 times more likely to die from them than a woman in Europe and Northern America,” the UNFPA points out.



in a group 在一组中 ; 成群地

around the world 全世界

maternal mortality 孕产妇死亡率 ; 母性死亡率

the number 数量 ; 数目 ; 号码 ; 数字 ; 人数

maternal 母亲的 ; 母系的 ; 作为母亲的 ; 母亲方面的 ; 母亲般慈爱的

births 出生 ; 诞生 ; 分娩 ; 出身 ; 起源 ; 门第 ; 创始 ; birth的复数

poorest 贫穷的 ; 穷人 ; 贫困者 ; 可怜的 ; 不幸的 ; 清贫的 ; 贫寒的 ; 令人同情的 ; poor的最高级

most likely 最有可能 ; 适合的 ; 可能的,有希望的( likely的最高级 )

Hispanic 西班牙的 ; 西班牙语国家的 ; 母语为西班牙语的人

mortality 死亡率 ; 死亡 ; 死亡数量 ; 生命的有限


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