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谷雨时节,联合国迎来第15个中文日。连日来,联合国机构和多国举行了丰富多彩的中文日庆祝活动。下面请看相关双语报道。2024年第15个联合国中文日活动现场。人民网记者 黄炜鑫摄UN Chinese Language Day is held on April 20 every year. It is a holiday that is used to celebrate cultural diversit


活动现场。人民网记者 黄炜鑫摄
2024年第15个联合国中文日活动现场。人民网记者 黄炜鑫摄

UN Chinese language Day is held on April 20 every year. It is a holiday that is used to celebrate cultural diversity and multilingualism. The Chinese language is one of the six official languages chosen by the United Nations. The holiday helps to promote equal usage of the official languages. There are six days that are dedicated to each of the six official languages. These holidays are observed all around the world. The events of the day help to promote Chinese culture and the beauty of diversity. It is an opportunity for everyone to understand how different cultures have many similarities as well as differences.

联合国中文日于每年4月20日举行, 是庆祝文化多样性和多语言性的节日。 中文是联合国选定的六种官方语言之一。 该节日有助于促进官方语言的平等使用。 每种官方语言都有一天专属于它的日子。 世界各地都庆祝这些节日。 节日活动有助于推广中国文化,展现多样性的美。 这也是一个机会,让人们了解不同的文化既有许多相似之处,也存在差异。

The Chinese language has been in existence for thousands of years. The Sino-Tibetan language family was formed by the Chinese and the credit for the origin of the Chinese language goes to Cangjie. Cangjie is a well-known and important figure in ancient China. He is known to be an official historian of the Yellow Emperor and the inventor of Chinese characters. The date for the holiday was chosen to honor Cangjie. The first official historians invented the Chinese characters when the Yellow Emperor first began his reign. Different dialects formed and spread throughout the provinces of China. Most of the archaic Chinese that were spoken during the early and middle 11th to 7th centuries B.C, isn't seen much in modern Chinese.

中文已有数千年的历史。 汉藏语系是由中文形成的,而中文的起源要归功于仓颉。 仓颉是中国古代一位著名且重要的人物。 他被认为是黄帝的史官和汉字的发明者。 联合国中文日的日期选择就是为了纪念仓颉。 当黄帝开始统治时,第一批史官发明了汉字。 随后,不同的方言逐渐形成并在中国各省传播开来。 公元前11世纪至7世纪初中期使用的大多数古代汉语,在现代汉语中已不多见。

UN Chinese Language Day was established by the U.N. to promote cultural diversity and multilingualism. The aim was to spread more information to people about the history of the Chinese language. People are taught about the benefits they can enjoy by learning to speak the Chinese language. The United Nations made it an official language in 1946 and the general Assembly included Chinese as a working language In 1973. Many people in the United Nations work with Chinese as a functional language.

联合国设立联合国中文日, 旨在推广文化多样性和多语言性, 以便向公众传播更多关于中文历史的信息。 让人们知晓学习中文可以带来的益处。 联合国于1946年将中文列为官方语言,1973年大会又将中文列为工作语言。 联合国中有很多人将中文作为工作语言。

Promoting the use of the Chinese language helps to encourage more people to speak more than one language. Learning languages is great for the mind and helps to expand your horizons. More people get to see how interesting diving into other cultures can be. There is a lot we can all learn from cultures all over the world. Learning another language, like Chinese, also helps us to connect with people who speak the same language.

推广中文的使用有助于鼓励更多人学习多门语言。 学习语言对大脑非常有益,有助于拓宽视野。 越来越多的人开始意识到深入探索其他文化是多么有趣。 我们可以从世界各地的文化中学习很多东西。 学习另一门语言,比如中文,也有助于我们与说同种语言的人建立联系。


every year 每年 ; 每一年 ; 年年

cultural diversity 文化多样性 ; 文化多元性 ; 文化多样化 ; 文化差异

official languages 官方语言 ; 法定语文 ; 官方语文 ; 官方用语

United Nations 联合国

The holiday 节日 ; 恋爱假期

There are 有 ; 可数名词的复数形式 ; 许多重要事情要谈

all around 各方面

of the day 一天 ; 当时的 ; 当今 ; 当代的

Chinese culture 中国文化 ; 中华文化 ; 中国文明

as well as 以及,既…又…,除…之外,此外

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