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Since she was a child, Li Wei has always dreamed of becoming an astronaut. She was fascinated by the vastness of space and the mysteries it held. As she grew older, her passion for astronomy only intensified. She spent countless hours studying the stars and planets, and reading every book she could find on the subject.

Li Wei's parents were supportive of her dream, but they also wanted her to have a backup plan. "What will you do if you can't become an astronaut?" they would ask. Li Wei had a simple answer: "I'll become a teacher and share my love of space with others."

To prepare for her dream, Li Wei attended a prestigious university and majored in aerospace engineering. She excelled in her studies, earning top grades and participating in various research projects. After graduation, she applied to join the space program, fully aware that the competition was fierce.

To her delight, Li Wei was accepted into the program. She underwent rigorous training, enduring simulated space missions and grueling physical exams. through it all, she never lost her determination or her love for the stars.

Finally, the day came when Li Wei boarded a spaceship and embarked on her first mission. As she looked back at the Earth, she knew that her dream had come true. She was not just an astronaut; she was a representative of humanity, exploring the final frontier.


1. What has Li Wei always dreamed of becoming?

A. A teacher

B. An astronomer

C. An astronaut

D. A writer

2. What was Li Wei's backup plan if she couldn't become an astronaut?

A. She would become a teacher.

B. She would work in a library.

C. She would study biology.

D. She would join the military.

3. What did Li Wei study in college?

A. Physics

B. Chemistry

C. Aerospace engineering

D. Mathematics

4. What helped Li Wei achieve her dream?

A. Her parents' support

B. Her good grades in school

C. Her participation in research projects

D. All of the above

5. How did Li Wei feel when she embarked on her first mission?

A. Nervous

B. Excited

C. Sad

D. Tired


本文讲述了一个名叫Li Wei的女孩,她从小就有成为宇航员的梦想,并为之努力学习和准备。她的父母虽然支持她的梦想,但也希望她有备选计划。Li Wei在大学学习了航空航天工程,并在毕业后申请加入了太空计划。经过严格的训练,她终于实现了自己的梦想,成为了宇航员。

1. 根据第一句“Since she was a child, Li Wei has always dreamed of becoming an astronaut.”,可知答案为C。

2. 根据第三句“To her delight, Li Wei was accepted into the program.”,可知答案为A。

3. 根据第四句“She attended a prestigious university and majored in aerospace engineering.”,可知答案为C。

4. 根据文中提到的Li Wei在大学的表现和她的准备工作,可知答案为D。

5. 根据最后一句“As she looked back at the Earth, she knew that her dream had come true.”,可知答案为B。

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