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The main task of the Chang'e-6 mission is to return samples from the far side of the moon. Pre-selected landing area is within the Aitken Basin in the South Pole, which is generally older than the near side of the moon.嫦娥六号的主要任务是要实现月球背面采样返回。 预选着陆区位于月


The main task of the Chang'e-6 mission is to return samples from the far side of the moon. Pre-selected landing area is within the Aitken Basin in the South Pole, which is generally older than the near side of the moon.

嫦娥六号的主要任务是要实现月球背面采样返回。 预选着陆区位于月球背面南极-艾特肯盆地,整体相对月球正面更为古老。

The Aitken Basin is one of the three major terrains on the moon, and has significant scientific value. Finding and collecting samples from different regions and ages of the moon is crucial for our understanding of it.

艾特肯盆地是月球三大地体之一,具有重要的科研价值。 寻找和收集不同地域和不同年龄的月壤样本对于我们了解月球至关重要。

To retrieve samples from the far side of the moon, there are some key points to consider. First, the Queqiao-2 relay satellite must enable communication between the probe on the lunar far side and the earth. The telemetry and communication requirements must be met. Second, we need to master the design and control technology for the lunar retrograde orbit. Third, we need to ace the intelligent sampling and the ascent technology on the far side of the moon.

要完成月球背面采样返回,需要考虑一些关键点。 首先,鹊桥二号中继卫星必须实现月球背面探测器与地球之间的通信。 必须满足遥测和通信要求。 其次,我们需要掌握月球逆行轨道的设计与控制技术。 第三,我们需要掌握月背智能采样技术和月背起飞上升技术。

When the sample return mission is accomplished, there will be systematic, long-term laboratory research on the sample, including analysis of the structure, physical properties and composition of the lunar soil. These would further studies of the moon origin and its evolutionary history.

当样本返回任务完成后,将对样本进行系统的、长期的实验室研究, 分析月壤的结构、物理特性和物质组成。 这些将进一步深化对月球成因和演化的研究。

The Chang'e-6 mission also carries out international cooperation. The probe carries four international payloads and satellites, including a radon detector from France, a lunar surface negative ion analyzer from the European Space Agency, a laser angle reflector from Italy, and a cube satellite from Pakistan.

嫦娥六号任务还积极开展国际合作。 嫦娥六号搭载了4个国际载荷星,包括法国氡气探测仪、 欧空局月表负离子分析仪、意大利激光角反射器和巴基斯坦立方星。


main task 主要任务

far side of the moon 月球背面

landing area 着陆区 ; 登陆地域;空降地区;起降场

in the South 在南方

near side of the moon 月球正面

on the moon 在月球上 ; 在月亮上 ; 月亮上 ; 月亮之上

there are 有 ; 可数名词的复数形式 ; 许多重要事情要谈

key points 重点 ; 教学重点 ; 要点 ; 关键点

relay satellite 中继卫星 ; 通信卫星

control technology 控制技术 ; 自动控制技术

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