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1) 主语从句:

- Whether climate change is a human-made phenomenon or a natural occurrence is a question that has been hotly debated.

- It is obvious that education plays a crucial role in personal and societal development.

- The question of whether technology is improving or harming our lives is a complex one.

- Whether or not we choose to act on climate change will determine the future of our planet.

- It is unclear how the new policy will affect the lives of ordinary citizens.

2) 宾(表)语从句:

- I believe that hard work and perseverance are the keys to success.

- The report suggests that pollution levels in the city have reached dangerous heights.

- He expressed his hope that the conflict would be resolved peacefully.

- We are informed that the meeting has been postponed until next week.

- It is rumored that the company is planning to expand its operations.

3) 定语从句(限定性和非限定性):

- The man who is standing over there is my uncle.

- A cat, which is lying on the sofa, is purring loudly.

- The book that you gave me is truly inspiring.

- My brother, who lives in New York, is coming to visit us next month.

- The university, which has a long history, is known for its excellent academic programs.

4) 状语从句(时间,原因,地点,条件,让步,转折等):

- While I was walking home, I encountered an old friend.

- Since you are busy, I can take care of the task for you.

- Once you have completed the course, you will receive a certificate.

- wherever you go, you will find traces of our ancient civilization.

- If it rains tomorrow, we will cancel the outdoor activities.

5) 分词短语做定语或状语:

- Reading extensively is a habit that can greatly enhance one's knowledge.

- The man sitting next to me at the conference was a renowned expert in the field.

- Given the current situation, we have no choice but to postpone the project.

- Eating a balanced diet is crucial for maintaining good health.

- Having completed his degree, he decided to pursue a career in research.

6) 倒装句:

- Here comes the bus we have been waiting for.

- There lies a beautiful beach ahead of us.

- In the room entered Mr. Smith, looking extremely tired.

- Upon receiving the news, she was overjoyed.

- Not only did he pass the exam, but he also achieved the highest score.

7) 被动句:

- The report was written by our team leader.

- The meeting was attended by representatives from various departments.

- The cake was baked by my mother.

- The house was sold by the previous owners.

- The letter was read by everyone in the classroom.

8) 设问句:

- Is it possible to finish the project within the given time frame?

- Can you explain why you were late for the meeting?

- Haven't you heard about the new restaurant that has opened in town?

- Do you think that online learning can replace traditional education?

- Isn't it amazing how technology has changed our lives?

9) 用于比较:

- compare the two products and choose the one that best suits your needs.

- Unlike previous generations, today's youth have access to a vast amount of information.

- The efficiency of the new machine is twice that of the old one.

- She is as talented as her sister in music.

- While some people prefer to read books in print, others prefer to read e-books on their devices.


1. 表示原因:

Since we are running out of natural resources, it is essential to find alternative energy sources.

pollution has become a major problem in urban areas due to the rapid growth of industries and motor vehicles.

The increasing number of students taking online courses can be attributed to the convenience and flexibility they offer.

Many people choose to pursue higher education because it provides them with better job opportunities and personal growth.

The rise in global temperatures is a direct consequence of human activities, such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation.

2. 表示批驳:

Despite the popular belief that technology is improving communication, I argue that it is actually causing people to become more isolated.

Some people may claim that social media platforms are a waste of time, but they fail to recognize the numerous benefits they offer in terms of information sharing and networking.

It is often misconceived that online learning is less effective than traditional classroom education, but research has shown otherwise.

While some individuals argue that genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are harmful, the scientific consensus indicates that they are safe to consume.

The notion that artificial intelligence will replace human workers is a misconception, as AI can only perform specific tasks and lacks the cognitive abilities of humans.

3. 表示后果:

If we do not take immediate action to address climate change, we will face severe consequences such as rising sea levels, food shortages, and increased natural disasters.

The consequences of smoking are welldocumented, including increased risk of heart disease, lung cancer, and respiratory problems.

Not completing a task on time can lead to negative consequences, such as loss of trust from colleagues or missed opportunities.

The misuse of technology can have serious consequences, including privacy violations, cyberbullying, and addiction.

failure to invest in renewable energy sources will result in economic and environmental consequences for future generations.

4. 举例:

For instance, the development of the internet has revolutionized the way we access information, communicate with others, and conduct business.

One example of a successful entrepreneur who started with nothing is Steve Jobs, who cofounded Apple Computer in his garage.

A case study involving a company that implemented a successful diversity and inclusion program demonstrates the positive impact it can have on employee morale and productivity.

numerous studies have shown that regular exercise has numerous health benefits, including reduced risk of chronic diseases and improved mental wellbeing.

Historical examples, such as the construction of the Great Wall of China and the pyramids of Egypt, showcase the remarkable achievements of human ingenuity and perseverance.

5. 证明:

Statistical data supports the claim that the average person spends more than two hours a day on social media platforms.

Experimentation and research conducted by scientists have provided evidence that supports the theory of evolution.

Testimonials from satisfied customers serve as evidence that the product is of high quality and meets their needs.

Archaeological discoveries provide evidence of ancient civilizations and their advanced technologies.

The presence of carbon footprints in化石 records serves as evidence that dinosaurs once roamed the Earth.

6. 表示开头:

In today's rapidly changing world, the importance of adaptability cannot be overstated.

It is often said that education is the key to success, and this could not be more true.

The development of technology has had a profound impact on various aspects of our lives.

The issue of climate change has garnered significant attention from policymakers and the public alike.

The pursuit of happiness is a universal desire that drives individuals to strive for better lives.

7. 表示结尾:

In conclusion, it is evident that social media has become an integral part of our lives, offering both benefits and drawbacks.

In summary, the benefits of regular exercise extend beyond physical fitness and include mental wellbeing and overall quality of life.

In light of the evidence presented, it is clear that climate change is a significant threat that requires immediate action.

Therefore, it is crucial for individuals to develop critical thinking skills to navigate the vast amount of information available to them.

Ultimately, the success of a nation depends on the education and skills of its citizens.



1. While it is often said that..., there are instances where this view is challenged.

2. contrary to popular belief, ... is not necessarily the case.

3. It is argued by some that... However, others maintain that...

4. The idea that... is widely accepted, but it is far from being universally true.

5. Although... seems plausible, it fails to take into account the following facts/reasons.

6. In comparison with..., ... has its own unique advantages/disadvantages.

7. On the one hand, ...; on the other hand, ...

8. While ... has its merits, it also has its drawbacks.

9. ... may seem attractive at first glance, but it is not without its flaws.

10. despite the similarities between... and..., there are significant differences between them.

11. It is often assumed that..., but this assumption is not always valid.

12. The belief that... is misconceived for several reasons.


1. The graph/chart illustrates/shows a clear trend of...

2. As is evident from the data, ... has been on the rise/decline.

3. The statistics indicate that... is the most/least common scenario.

4. The pie chart demonstrates the distribution of... among different categories.

5. The table provides a comparison of... over a given period of time.

6. The bar graph reveals the percentage of... in relation to...

7. The line graph portrays the gradual change in... over time.

8. The histogram displays the frequency distribution of...

9. The scatter plot suggests a positive/negative correlation between... and...

10. The averages/median values of... are highlighted in the graph/chart.

11. The data visualization presents a comprehensive view of...

12. The graph/chart offers an insight into the relationship between... and...


1. The reason why... is because...

2. ... is primarily due to the fact that...

3. There is a correlation between... and... because...

4. One of the main causes of... is...

5. The underlying factor contributing to... is...

6. It is important to note that...

7. The significance of... lies in the fact that...

8. ... can be attributed to the following reasons:

9. Despite the commonly held belief that..., the reality is that...

10. The implications of... are far-reaching, as it...

11. ... is a consequence of the evolving societal norms/ technological advancements.

12. In order to understand..., it is crucial to consider the context in which it arises.


1. In order to address this issue, it is crucial for the government to implement strict regulations.

2. One effective measure that can be taken is to encourage more people to participate in community service.

3. The company plans to adopt greener production methods to reduce its carbon footprint.

4. The school administration has decided to enforce a dress code to improve the overall discipline on campus.

5. It is essential for individuals to take responsibility for their own health by adopting a healthier lifestyle.

6. The government should establish more public libraries to promote literacy and learning.

7. To protect endangered species, it is necessary to create more wildlife preserves.

8. The city authorities are planning to expand public transportation to reduce traffic congestion.

9. Both the government and businesses need to take steps to ensure the fair treatment of employees.

10. The university has introduced online classes to provide more flexible learning opportunities for students.

11. The company is committed to improving workplace safety by investing in new safety equipment.

12. The local community has organized a clean-up campaign to keep the neighborhood clean and hygienic.


1. I would recommend that the government prioritize education funding to improve the quality of schools.

2. It is suggested that more job training programs be established to help the unemployed acquire new skills.

3. The organization should consider implementing a more diverse and inclusive hiring policy.

4. To enhance customer satisfaction, the company should focus on improving its customer service.

5. It is advisable for individuals to save money for emergencies to avoid financial difficulties.

6. The government should encourage the use of renewable energy sources to reduce pollution.

7. Students are advised to manage their time effectively to achieve better academic results.

8. Employers should provide regular feedback to employees to help them improve their performance.

9. It is suggested that more efforts be made to promote gender equality in the workplace.

10. The city government should plant more trees to improve air quality and create a more pleasant environment.

11. Healthcare professionals recommend adopting a balanced diet and exercising regularly to maintain good health.

12. Parents are advised to limit their children's screen time to ensure they have enough physical activity and social interaction.



1. It is proposed that we take significant measures to tackle this pressing issue.

2. I would recommend promoting public awareness campaigns to address this concern.

3. It is suggested that more financial support be allocated to education.

4. The best approach is to encourage more collaboration between industry and academia.

5. We should establish strict regulations to prevent further environmental damage.

6. It is advisable to invest in research and development for sustainable energy sources.

7. We could learn from other successful countries that have faced similar challenges.

8. It is crucial to provide incentives to attract and retain top talent in this field.

9. We need to foster a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship.

10. It is important to promote inclusivity and diversity in the workplace.

11. We should encourage lifelong learning and provide opportunities for professional development.

12. It is essential to promote a healthy work-life balance for employees.


1. The rise in obesity rates is a direct consequence of sedentary lifestyles and unhealthy diets.

2. The decrease in biodiversity is a result of habitat destruction and climate change.

3. The increase in carbon emissions has led to global warming and climate change.

4. The spread of misinformation on social media has caused a decline in public trust.

5. The availability of technology has changed the way we communicate and interact with others.

6. The implementation of strict regulations has led to improvements in workplace safety.

7. The growth of e-commerce has affected traditional brick-and-mortar stores.

8. The investment in renewable energy sources has reduced dependency on fossil fuels.

9. The extinction of species has negative implications for ecosystem stability and biodiversity.

10. The development of new technologies has changed the way we produce and consume goods.

11. The adoption of healthier lifestyles has led to improvements in public health.

12. The increase in women in leadership roles has influenced workplace culture and equality.


1. When comparing different countries, it is evident that our education system needs significant reform.

2. The cost of living is higher in cities compared to rural areas.

3. Students today have more access to information than ever before, but this also means they face greater information overload.

4. Online shopping has changed consumer behavior, with people now having access to a wider range of products and services.

5. The benefits of exercise include improved physical health, mental well-being, and increased longevity.

6. compared to other industries, the tech sector has experienced rapid growth in recent years.

7. Public transportation is a more sustainable and environmentally friendly option compared to private vehicles.

8. Renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power are becoming increasingly cost-effective compared to fossil fuels.

9. The generation Z is more environmentally conscious than previous generations, choosing sustainable brands and products.

10. Developing countries often face more challenges in achieving economic stability and reducing poverty compared to developed countries.

11. Women still face more barriers in entering leadership roles and achieving equal pay compared to men.

12. Virtual reality technology has the potential to revolutionize the way we learn and experience the world, offering more immersive and interactive experiences.


1. In my opinion, technology has greatly influenced our lives and will continue to do so in the future.

2. It is my belief that more attention should be paid to environmental protection to ensure a sustainable future.

3. I think that education is the key to personal and societal development.

4. From my perspective, a healthy work-life balance is essential for overall well-being and productivity.

5. I am of the view that cultural diversity should be celebrated and embraced in our society.

6. In my opinion, social media has both positive and negative impacts on our lives.

7. I believe that innovation and creativity are vital for economic growth and development.

8. It is my view that health and safety regulations should be strictly enforced in the workplace.

9. In my opinion, equal opportunities should be provided to all individuals regardless of their background or identity.

10. I think that investing in renewable energy sources is crucial for the future of our planet.

11. From my perspective, promoting lifelong learning and continuous professional development is essential in today's rapidly changing world.

12. I am of the view that a strong sense of community and social connection is important for individual and collective well-being.


1. On the one hand, technology has made our lives more convenient; on the other hand, it has also led to increased social isolation.

2. While some people argue that social media has positive impacts on communication, others believe it has negative effects on social interactions.

3. In the past, people relied on traditional media for information, but now, with the rise of social media, anyone can become a publisher.

4. Some people prefer the flexibility and convenience of online learning, while others value the traditional classroom experience.

5. Developing countries are faced with the challenge of improving infrastructure and education, while developed countries are focused on innovation and sustainability.

6. Men and women still face different challenges in the workplace, with women often being underrepresented in leadership positions.

7. Some individuals prefer the hustle and bustle of city life, while others prefer the tranquility of rural living.

8. The cost of living has increased in many cities, making it difficult for young people to afford housing and other expenses.

9. Some students thrive in a competitive environment, while others may feel overwhelmed and stressed.

10. Some people believe that private vehicles are essential for freedom and mobility, while others argue that public transportation is more efficient and sustainable.

11. In some cultures, it is common to have a long workweek, while in others, there is a greater emphasis on work-life balance.

12. Some companies prioritize profits over environmental sustainability, while others are committed to responsible and sustainable practices.



1. Nowadays, it has become a hot topic of discussion that...

2. It is universally acknowledged that...

3. In the contemporary world, ... has been increasingly brought into public focus.

4. As the saying goes, "Where there is a will, there is a way."...

5. With the development of society, ... has experienced significant changes.

6. In the foreseeable future, ... will continue to gain popularity.

7. ... has long been a major concern for...

8. In the past few decades, ... has made great strides.

9. despite the fact that..., it must be emphasized that...

10. It is not too much to say that...


11. From my perspective, I am in favor of...

12. As far as I am concerned, ... is the most compelling argument.

13. I am strongly convinced that...

14. It is my belief that...

15. In my opinion, ... plays a more important role than...

16. There is no denying that...

17. ... is a win-win solution that deserves our full support.

18. In view of the above, it is obvious that...

19. ... is not without its drawbacks, but the benefits outweigh the disadvantages.

20. It is high time that...


21. Take ... for example, we can clearly see that...

22. ... is a typical case that illustrates...

23. A prime example of... is...

24. Let's take ... as an illustration to demonstrate...

25. ... is a perfect instance to demonstrate...

26. We can look at... to find evidence that...

27. The case of ... vividly demonstrates...

28. It is instructive to consider...

29. The example of... clearly shows that...

30. ... is a classic case that highlights...


31. Although some people argue that..., they fail to take into account that...

32. Despite the claims that..., it is important to note that...

33. Some critics argue that..., yet they ignore the fact that...

34. It is often contended that..., but this view is not universally accepted.

35. There are those who believe that..., however, the evidence suggests otherwise.

36. While... is generally accepted, it is not without its opponents.

37. ... is often misunderstood by many, who believe that...

38. Some are of the opinion that..., yet they do not realize that...

39. ... has its detractors, who claim that...

40. Although ... has its merits, it is not necessarily the best option.


41. In conclusion, ... is an integral part of...

42. All things considered, ... is of great significance.

43. To sum up, ... is the most suitable choice.

44. In the final analysis, ... is the key to...

45. In brief, ... is beneficial to...

46. In the end, it is ... that counts.

47. Therefore, it is imperative that...

48. The above discussion leads us to the conclusion that...

49. ... is not a simple issue, but a complex one that involves...

50. Based on the above analysis, it is clear that...


1.……的主要原因是……:The main reason for ... is that...

【例】 The main reason for the increase in obesity rates is that people are leading more sedentary lifestyles and consuming unhealthy diets.

2....的直接后果是……: The direct consequence of... is that...

【例】 The direct consequence of climate change is that ecosystems are being disrupted and biodiversity is declining.

3....的目的是......: The purpose of... is to...

【例】 The purpose of promoting public awareness campaigns is to encourage responsible behavior and protect the environment.

1....的结果是......: The result of... is that...

【例】 The result of investing in renewable energy sources is that we reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and mitigate the effects of climate change.

5....的原因是......: The reason for... is that...

【例】 The reason for the decline in biodiversity is that habitats are being destroyed and fragmented.

6....的效果是......: The effect of... is that...

【例】 The effect of strict regulations is that workplace accidents and illnesses are reduced.

7....的原因是......: The cause of... is that...

【例】 The cause of the digital divide is that not everyone has equal access to technology and the internet.

8....的理由是......: The rationale for... is that...

【例】 The rationale for encouraging lifelong learning is that it ensures individuals can adapt to the changing demands of the job market.

93...的基础是......: The basis for... is that...

【例】 The basis for the success of e-commerce is that it provides convenience and a wider range of options for consumers.

10....的关键是......: The key to... is that...

【例】 The key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle is that individuals must balance their diet and exercise habits.

11....的挑战是......: The challenge of... is that...

【例】 The challenge of transitioning to sustainable energy sources is that it requires significant investment and infrastructure changes.

12....的优势是......: The advantage of... is that...

【例】 The advantage of online learning is that it offers flexibility and can be tailored to individual learning styles.

13....的劣势是......: The disadvantage of... is that...

【例】 The disadvantage of relying too heavily on technology is that it can lead to a lack of face-to-face social interactions.

14....的教训是......: The lesson from... is that...

【例】 The lesson from past environmental disasters is that we must take proactive measures to protect the environment.

15....的趋势是......: The trend of... is that...

【例】 The trend of remote work is that it offers greater flexibility and can reduce commuting time.

16....的挑战是......: The obstacle to... is that...

【例】 The obstacle to gender equality in the workplace is that systemic barriers and unconscious bias still exist.

17....的潜力的关键......: The key to the potential of... is that...

【例】 The key to the potential of renewable energy is that it can be harnessed indefinitely without depleting natural resources.


名词短语 + that + 形容词最高级 + 主词 + have ever + 动词

例句:The smartest person that I have ever met is my college professor.

Nothing + 比较级 + than + 名词 + 主词 + have ever + 动词

例句:Nothing is more rewarding than helping others when they are in need.

形容词最高级 + 名词 + 主词 + have ever + 动词 + (in/at/on) + 地点/时间

例句:The most breathtaking view I have ever seen is the Grand Canyon in Arizona.

No + 其他 + 形容词比较级 + than + 名词 + 主词 + have ever + 动词

例句:No place is more peaceful than my grandmother's garden, where I have ever spent my summers.

Nothing/Fewer things + could/would + 动词原形 + than + 名词短语 + 主词 + have ever + 动词

例句:Nothing could be more satisfying than seeing my child's first smile.

形容词最高级 + 名词 + (that) + 主词 + have ever + 动词 + to 动词原形

例句:The most important lesson I have ever learned is to never give up.

The + 形容词最高级 + 名词 + 主词 + have ever + 动词 +, + 原因状语从句

例句:The most interesting book I have ever read is "The Alchemist" because it taught me about the power of following one's dreams.

The + 形容词最高级 + 名词 + 主词 + have ever + 动词 +, which/who + 从句

例句:The most inspiring teacher I have ever had is Mrs. Smith, who always believed in my potential.

Never before/Never in + 时间段 + have + 主词 + 动词 + as + 形容词最高级 + 名词

例句:Never before have I seen such a beautiful sunset.

There is no + 名词 + more + 形容词 + than + 名词 + 主词 + have ever + 动词

例句:There is no place more beautiful than Paris, which I have ever visited.

主词 + 动词 + 如此 + 形容词 + 名词 + that + 从句

例句:He played such a brilliant piano concerto that the audience was left in awe.

It is/was + 形容词最高级 + 名词 + that + 主词 + have/has/had ever + 动词

例句:It is the most fascinating mystery novel that I have ever read.

Not only + 主词 + 动词 + but also + 主词 + 动词 + 形容词最高级

例句:Not only did she score the highest mark in the exam, but she also wrote the most insightful essay.

主词 + have/has never + 动词 + as + 形容词 + 名词 + as + 另一名词

例句:I have never tasted as delicious a cake as the one my grandmother makes.

The more + 名词 + 主词 + 动词 + the + 形容词比较级 + 从句

例句:The more books I read, the more knowledgeable I become.

If only + 主词 + had + 动词过去分词 + 形容词最高级 + 名词

例句:If only I had known the most effective study strategy!

Nothing/No one + 比较级 + than + 主词 + 动词 + 形容词最高级

例句:Nothing is more important than maintaining good health.

主词 + 动词 + to the + 形容词最高级 + degree

例句:She dedicated herself to the highest degree in her research.

So + 形容词 + be/am/is/are/was/were + 主词 + that + 从句

例句:So beautiful was the scenery that I couldn't stop taking pictures.

主词 + 动词 + with + 形容词最高级 + 名词

例句:He spoke with the utmost sincerity when he apologized.

Not even a/an + 名词 + is/was as/so + 形容词 + as + 另一名词

例句:Not even a diamond is as precious as the memories we share.

Fewer things in life + 动词 + 主词 + more + 形容词 + than + 名词

例句:Fewer things in life give me more joy than spending time with my family.

No matter how + 形容词/副词 + 主词 + 动词, + 主词 + 仍然 + 动词

例句:No matter how hard I try, I still can't seem to master this skill.

Seldom have/has/did + 主词 + 动词 + such + 形容词 + 名词

例句:Seldom have I seen such a determined individual.

主词 + 动词 + the + 形容词最高级 + 名词 + I have/had ever + 动词

例句:She wrote the most heartfelt letter I have ever received.

The + 形容词最高级 + 名词 + 主词 + could imagine/think of

例句:The most terrifying nightmare I could imagine was losing my loved ones.

It was/is + 形容词最高级 + noun + 主词 + had/have ever + 动词

例句:It was the most incredible journey I had ever embarked on.

No other + 名词 + is/was as + 形容词 + as + 主词

例句:No other book is as captivating as the one I'm reading now.

Such a/an + 形容词 + 名词 + that + 主词 + 动词

例句:Such a kind gesture was made by him that it warmed our hearts.

Little did + 主词 + know/realize that + 从句

例句:Little did I know that this simple decision would change my life forever.

主词 + 动词 + to the fullest extent, + 形容词/名词

例句:We celebrated to the fullest extent, laughing and dancing into the night.

What + 形容词最高级 + 名词 + 主词 + have/has ever + 动词

例句:What a thrilling adventure I have ever had!

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