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In the countryside, there is an old farmer. He has a son, and the son is very lazy. He never helps his father with farm work. Instead, he spends his time playing with his friends.

One day, the father decides to teach his son a lesson. He tells his son, "I want you to plant a tree for me." The son agrees and plants a seed. The father tells him, "You need to take care of it every day. Water it, fertilize it, and protect it from insects."

The son is lazy, but he knows he must obey his father. So, he waters the plant every day. After a few weeks, the seed grows into a small tree. The father is pleased and says, "Good job, my son. You have learned the importance of hard work."

From then on, the son becomes hardworking. He helps his father with farm work and learns the value of hard work.


1. What is the son's problem?

A. He is too lazy to work.

B. He is too lazy to study.

C. He is too lazy to play with friends.

D. He is too lazy to listen to his father.

2. Why does the father ask his son to plant a tree?

A. Because he wants to teach his son to plant trees.

B. Because he wants his son to learn the importance of hard work.

C. Because he wants his son to spend time alone.

D. Because he wants his son to make money.

3. How does the son feel about planting the tree?

A. He is excited to plant the tree.

B. He is lazy to plant the tree.

C. He is curious about planting the tree.

D. He is angry about planting the tree.

4. What does the father say to his son after the tree grows?

A. "You are a lazy boy."

B. "Good job, my son. You have learned the importance of hard work."

C. "You should have listened to me."

D. "I am disappointed in you."

5. What does the son learn from the experience?

A. He learns the importance of playing with friends.

B. He learns the importance of hard work.

C. He learns the importance of listening to his father.

D. He learns the importance of spending time alone.


1. A - 他太懒了,不愿工作。文章开头就提到儿子很懒,不愿意帮助父亲做农活。

2. B - 因为他想让儿子学会努力工作的重要性。父亲让儿子种树是为了教育他,通过照顾树木的过程让他体会到努力工作的价值。

3. B - 他懒惰地种植树木。文章中提到儿子虽然懒惰,但为了遵从父亲的话,他还是每天浇水。

4. B - “干得好,我的儿子。你已经学会了努力工作的重要性。”父亲对儿子能够坚持照顾树木并看到成果感到高兴。

5. B - 他学会了努力工作的重要性。通过这次经历,儿子认识到了努力工作的价值,并从此变得勤快起来。

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