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One day, Mr. Smith was at home alone when he suddenly heard a loud noise from the living room. He was worried that something might be wrong, so he decided to investigate.

As he entered the living room, Mr. Smith saw that the window was broken and some expensive items were missing. He realized that his house had been robbed. Mr. Smith was very scared and decided to call the police immediately.

He dialed the emergency number 110 and a police officer answered the phone. Mr. Smith explained the situation to the officer and told him about the broken window and the stolen items. The police officer asked Mr. Smith for his address and promised to send officers to his house right away.

Shortly after, two police officers arrived at Mr. Smith's house. They examined the broken window and the missing items. The officers then asked Mr. Smith some questions to find out more about the robbery.

After gathering all the information, the police officers said they would investigate the case and do their best to catch the thieves. They also advised Mr. Smith to take some precautions to prevent future break-ins.

Mr. Smith felt relieved that he had called the police and was grateful for their help. He knew that he could count on the police to keep him safe.


1. What did Mr. Smith hear when he was at home alone?

A. A loud noise from the living room.

B. A knock on the door.

C. Someone calling his name.

D. The phone ringing.

2. What did Mr. Smith realize when he entered the living room?

A. His house had been robbed.

B. The window was broken.

C. Some expensive items were missing.

D. All of the above.

3. What did Mr. Smith do when he realized his house had been robbed?

A. He called a friend.

B. He called the police.

C. He cleaned up the mess.

D. He locked the door.

4. according to the passage, what should people do if they are victims of a crime?

A. Hide and wait for the police to come.

B. Call a friend for help.

C. immediately call the emergency number 110.

D. Clean up the scene before the police arrive.

5. Why did Mr. Smith feel relieved after the police officers arrived?

A. Because he knew the thieves would be caught.

B. Because the police officers were his friends.

C. Because he felt safer with the police officers there.

D. Because he had called the fire department instead of the police.


1. 问题询问Mr. Smith在家独自一人时听到了什么。根据文章第一段,“One day, Mr. Smith was at home alone when he suddenly heard a loud noise from the living room”,可知正确答案是A。

2. 问题询问Mr. Smith进入客厅后意识到了什么。根据文章第二段,“As he entered the living room, Mr. Smith saw that the window was broken and some expensive items were missing”,可知正确答案是D。

3. 问题询问Mr. Smith在意识到他的房子被抢劫后做了什么。根据文章第三段,“Mr. Smith was very scared and decided to call the police immediately”,可知正确答案是B。

4. 问题询问如果人们成为犯罪的受害者应该做什么。根据文章第四段,“Mr. Smith dialed the emergency number 110 and a police officer answered the phone”,可知正确答案是C。

5. 问题询问警察 officers 到达后,为什么 Mr. Smith 感到安心。根据文章最后一段,“Mr. Smith felt relieved that he had called the police and was grateful for their help”,可知正确答案是C。

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