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There are many respectable people around us.

——They may be our parents, teachers or friends. The one I respect is my uncle.

My uncle is only 2 years older than me, he is an aspiring man. He know exacly what he want.

He was very strict with himself when he studied in Grade 3 in high school. He got up at 6 o'clock in the morning, and didn't go to bed until 11 o'clock at night, he studied almost 16 hours every day. finally he gained admission to Qinghua university successfully.

Now I'm in Grade 3 in high school, my uncle has made a pefect study plan for me ,and always encourage me when I fail to persist on. He is my uncle, but also my friend, I respect him very much.


Last Sunday, several of my classmates and I attended a picking activity.

We met at my home at 8 o'clock in the morning, and then went to the farm by bus. There were many fresh vegetables and fruits in the farm, some picked apples, some picked oranges, some picked peppers and cabbages. We didn't finish the job until 5 o'clock in the afternoon.

We were so tired that we almost all fell asleep on the bus.From this picking activity, we learn that farm work is hard, farmers are great. We should treasure every grain of rice in the bowel .


Dear Miss Evans,

I am writing to ask if you can give us some advice to revise the short play adapted from our English textbook.

It's a famous story about Lady Mengjiang in Qin Dynasty . Lady Mengjiang's husband was taken away and forced to build the Great Wall the night they got married, she waited year after year, but only got the news of his death at last.

Lady Mengjiang was so sad that she cried at the great wall, causing it to fall apart.

I'm afraid there are some grammer and pronunciation mistakes in the play, could you please kindly give us some guidance on them?

Are you free tomorrow? Shall we meet at six o'clock tomorrow afternoon?

Looking forward for your reply.


Dear Jim,

I'm very sorry to know your retention in England for the COVID-19 epidemic. Now the new semester is coming, to ensure the normal running of our English drama club, would you please kindly recommend a foreign teacher for us ?

Here are the conditions and requirements:

1、25-35 years old

2、From countries whose native language is English, has rich experience of dramatic performance .

Thanks a lot for your attention and help, the epidemic situation is serious in England, hope you can take preventive measures to protect your family and yourself when go out.

Looking forward for your reply.

Yours ,

Li Hua


Dear Smith,

I'd like to share something meaningful with you. On May 16th, our school held a coming-of-age ceremony .

In China, the age of 18 means we have grown up, the adults or schools will hold a coming-of -age ceremony for us.

During the ceremony, we have looked back on our growth process dressing in traditional Han costumes , we knew how laborious it is for our parents to raise us up.We also watched anti epidemic videos about our schoolmates, they are all fighters.

From the ceremony , I understand the meaning of maturity and responsibility.I hope to be a useful person in society.


Dear Wang Lei,

Thanks for your last letter several days ago.

In your last letter,you told me your worries about the bad weather and terrible traffic , and you were hesitant about attending the open-air concert held in the century park next Friday.

I know exactly how you feel , and has find solutions to it. I has succsssfully persuaded my dad to drive us to the concert, so we don't need to change buses.Besides, I have prepared two raincoats so that you can put your heart rest and enjoy the concert .

The most important reason I invited you to attend the concert is that the concert is not a pop music concert but a classic music one. Several prestigious symphony orchestras will perform on the concert , the one who attend the concert has opportunity to get an abulm with performers’ autographs.

Sincerely looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua


Dear Jason,

I'm very sorry to hear that you are ill and have went back to your country. We all worry about you very much. Have you been much better now ?

Please don't worry about your teaching , what you have to do now is taking a good rest and complying with the doctor's order.As to the lessons missed ,we are all willing to help you make them up at the weekend when you get back.

I really hope you recover soon and come back to China.

Best wishes for you!


Li Hua


Dear Editor,

For the discussion whether an entrance fee should be charged by parks orginized by your newspaper,we have had a result.

60% of our schoolmate think that an entrance fee should not be charged ,because parks are leisure places for people to relax after work. If vistors must pay an entrance fee for parks,it is nessary to build a gate and surrounding walls. At last ,it may damage the image of our city.

However ,40% of our schoolmates support to charge an entrance fee by parks,but the entrance fee should not be too high. The entrance fee can be used for paying the gardeners in the park and buying some new trees and flowers.

In my opinion ,an entrance fee charged by parks does not meet people's expectatioons, we should lose a lot of fun in my life if we paid for visiting parks.

Best wishes,

Li Hua


Hi Worried,

I' m sorry to know that you' re having such a bad time at the moment.What you must konw is that everyone will have such a period when things seem to be going wrong ,so please do not worry about it too much. At the moment, what you must do is learning to control your temper so that you may not do or say someting you will regret. Here I share some tips:

Firstly,try to share your mood with your friends you trust most.You will feel better after tallking with your friends, ,because it's a good way to let your anger out. Secondly,do some outdoor sports with your friends like playing badminton or climbing mountains, as sports can help relax and get rid of anger. Lastly,remain opmistic about your life ,you should believe that life is full of hope.

I hope you will feel calmer soon and carry on as normal.




Dear Jim,

It's great to hear that you are planning a social activity with the theme of "Green Beijing". I'm more than happy to provide you with some suggestions.

Firstly, I recommend that the activity takes the form of a city tour. Participants can visit some of the city's parks, community gardens, and eco-friendly buildings to learn about Beijing's efforts to promote green development.

Secondly, the activity could include workshops or lectures on topics such as waste reduction, energy conservation, and sustainable lifestyle choices. You could also invite local environmental organizations to give talks and share their experiences.

I hope these ideas will be helpful to you in planning your activity. Looking forward to hearing more about it soon!

Best regards,

Li Hua










Dear Ryan,

I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to discuss with you about the groupings for the upcoming oral English training class.

While I appreciate the idea of practicing with different partners, I believe that randomly selecting students to make up pairs may not be the most effective approach. Some students may feel uncomfortable with their partner, or the pairing may not be well-matched in terms of English level or speaking style.

Therefore, I suggest that you consider grouping the students based on their English proficiency or other relevant factors. This way, each pair can work better together and provide more meaningful feedback to each other during the practice sessions.

Thank you for taking my suggestion into consideration. I look forward to a successful training class.

Best regards,

Li Hua










The Remarkable Life of Confucius

Confucius was a Chinese philosopher who lived during the Spring and Autumn period. He was born in 551 BC in the state of Lu, and his teachings have had a profound impact on Chinese culture and society.

Confucius believed in the importance of education and personal moral cultivation. He emphasized the value of ethical behavior, respect for authority, and the importance of family and community. His teachings encouraged individuals to strive for self-improvement and to contribute to the betterment of society.

The legacy of Confucius has continued to influence Chinese society for over 2,000 years. His teachings have shaped the moral and ethical values of generations of Chinese people, and have had a significant impact on the country's social and political systems.The story of Confucius serves as an inspiration to us all. His emphasis on personal moral cultivation and the value of education reminds us of the importance of striving for self-improvement and contributing to the betterment of society. His teachings also remind us of the importance of respect for authority and the value of community and family.

In today's world, where individualism is often emphasized over community, the teachings of Confucius serve as a powerful reminder of the importance of working together for the greater good. We can all take inspiration from his life and teachings, and strive to live our lives with the same level of dedication to personal moral cultivation and community betterment.








Exhibition Item:

My Childhood Camera


The item I have chosen for the exhibition is my childhood camera. It's a small pink camera with a lot of memories attached to it. The camera is compact and light in weight, easy to operate and requires a roll of film to capture the images.

Reason for choosing this item for the exhibition:

The reason why I have chosen this camera as my exhibition item is because it reminds me of my happy childhood memories. When I was a kid, I used to take pictures of anything and everything that caught my eye. I had this fascination with capturing moments and preserving them forever. This camera helped me do that. It was my companion on all my family vacations, school trips, and birthdays. The camera became a part of me, and I became a part of it. Those moments captured by my little pink camera are still etched in my mind and heart.

I feel that this camera represents my childhood in the best possible manner. It symbolizes my love for capturing moments, the importance of memories and how they can be preserved forever through small things like a camera. I hope that my exhibition item inspires others to cherish their happy moments with their loved ones and to value the memories that they create.







Dear Mr. Li,

I hope this note finds you well. As you know, tomorrow is my last day at the school and I wanted to make sure that everything is in place for my departure. Could you please check on the arrangements for the car to the airport? Also, kindly remind the driver about the scheduled pick-up time.

I would appreciate your assistance with this as it is quite early to get a taxi. I want to express my gratitude for all the efforts made during my time here. It has been a delightful and memorable year, and I may consider returning in the future.

Before I leave, I would like to leave some English books for the school library. I hope they will be beneficial to the students.

Thank you for your attention to this matter and for your support throughout the year.

Best regards,











I am writing to share the results of our recent class discussion on whether Beijing Zoo should be relocated from the city center. Opinions were divided.

Supporters argue that the zoo attracts many visitors, leading to traffic congestion. Relocating it to the suburbs would ease this issue and provide a better environment for the animals. However, opponents highlight the zoo's historical significance since its establishment in 1906 and fear that the move could harm the animals.

In summary, opinions differ on relocating Beijing Zoo due to concerns about congestion versus preserving its cultural value and animal welfare.


Li Hua









Dear David,

I recently came across your notice online, where you expressed a desire to make a Chinese friend in order to learn about the language and culture. I am Li Hua from Chongqing Experimental High School, and I would be more than happy to become your friend.

As a native Chinese speaker, I can help you with language learning through conversation practice, sharing cultural insights, recommending books or movies, and even assisting with any questions you may have about China. I believe this friendship will be a great opportunity for both of us to learn and grow.

I look forward to hearing from you and starting this exciting cultural exchange.

Best regards,

Li Hua









Dear Editor,

As a college student, I believe the employment situation for graduates has some key points to consider.

Firstly, many students prefer cities over rural areas, causing an oversupply of talent in urban regions and a lack of skilled professionals in rural communities.

Secondly, job prospects in rural areas are promising, offering a wide range of opportunities for graduates to showcase their talents.

It is crucial for graduates to broaden their perspectives and consider the benefits of working in rural areas. By doing so, they can find fulfilling careers while contributing to the development of underprivileged regions.

Sincerely, Li Hua









Dear Teacher,

I have concerns and suggestions about the plan to randomly pair students for spoken English training.

Imbalanced partnerships may occur due to varying fluency levels, hindering effective practice. It would be better to group students based on their proficiency levels to ensure balanced partnerships.

Additionally, students may feel uncomfortable practicing with unfamiliar classmates. Allowing them to choose their own partners would create a more supportive environment. I suggest considering a targeted approach by grouping students according to proficiency or allowing them to choose partners.

This way, meaningful interactions can occur, enhancing the effectiveness of the training.


Li Hua








李华 上


Good morning, everyone!

On behalf of our English Club, I am here to share our experience in organizing a two-month English Speaking Contest. This contest aimed to improve students’ spoken English skills and boost their confidence.

Through this activity, we gained several valuable benefits. Firstly, it greatly enhanced our speaking and communication abilities. We practiced expressing ourselves fluently and coherently, thinking quickly on our feet during impromptu sessions, and responding spontaneously during Q&A sessions.

Secondly, the contest fostered a friendly and supportive atmosphere. Participants encouraged and cheered for each other, providing constructive feedback and helping one another overcome weaknesses.

Furthermore, the contest broadened our horizons. through researching and preparing speeches, we gained knowledge on various topics and explored different perspectives. Additionally, listening to other participants’ speeches exposed us to diverse opinions and ideas.

Lastly, the contest improved our organizational and leadership skills. We planned the event, coordinated with participants, and hosted and judged the contest. These tasks taught us teamwork, time management, and leadership.

In conclusion, our English Speaking Contest enhanced our speaking abilities, created unity, broadened our perspectives, and developed organizational and leadership skills. We are proud of what we achieved and hope to continue promoting English learning and building a supportive community.

Thank you all!











Politeness has the magical ability to improve relationships, resolve conflicts, and foster friendships. In English, phrases like “please,” “thank you,” and “sorry” are known as “magic words.” They show respect, gratitude, and accountability. By using these words, we create a positive atmosphere of understanding and empathy. polite words leave a lasting impression and attract goodwill from others. They contribute to a harmonious society by promoting kindness and consideration.

Let’s embrace the magic of polite words and use them to create a more respectful and friendly world.


礼貌具有神奇的能力,可以改善关系,化解冲突,培养友谊。在英语中,像“please”、“thank you”和“sorry”这样的短语被称为“魔法词语”。它们表达尊重、感激和责任心。通过使用这些词语,我们创造了理解和共情的积极氛围。礼貌用语给人留下深刻印象,并吸引他人的善意。它们促进了一个和谐的社会,提倡友善和体贴。


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