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周三,来自中国的大熊猫宝宝在柏林动物园去世,享年34岁,死亡原因尚不清楚。宝宝是1980年中国政府送给德国的国礼,和宝宝同去的还有另外一只大熊猫嫣嫣。A giant panda from China died in Berlin's zoo on Wednesday at the age of 34.



A giant panda from China died in Berlin's zoo on Wednesday at the age of 34.

The male panda named Bao Bao died in his enclosure in the morning, with the cause of his death still unclear, according to Berlin Zoo.

"It's sad," read a statement from the zoo. "We will take a remarkable farewell. Bao Bao will always remain unforgettable."

The zoo will examine the body of Bao Bao and announce the result later.

Bao Bao had been the oldest living male Panda in the world. In recent months, zoo staff and visitors witnessed a physical decline of the panda.

He was given by the Chinese government to former Republic of Germany in November 1980 together with a female panda Tian Tian.

After Tian Tian's death in February 1984, Bao Bao lived alone in Berlin until November 1991, when he was sent to London to mate with female panda Ming Ming. The attempt gave no desired result and Bao Bao flew back to Berlin in May 1993 alone.

In 1995, another female panda Yan Yan traveled from Beijing to Berlin as a loan. Yan Yan had lived together with Bao Bao until her death in March 2007, leaving no offspring.

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