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马航搜索进入新阶段 南北飞行走廊搜救

马航搜索进入新阶段 南北飞行走廊搜救The search for Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 has entered a new phase,according to Malaysias acting Minister of Transport Hishammuddin Hussein.The search for Malaysian Airlines flight

马航搜索进入新阶段 南北飞行走廊搜救

The search for Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 has entered a new phase, according to Malaysia’s acting Minister of transport Hishammuddin Hussein.

马航搜索进入新阶段 南北飞行走廊搜救
The search for Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 has entered a new phase, according to Malaysia's acting Minister of Transport Hishammuddin Hussein.

He said the search now involves 25 countries, and Malaysia has requested satellite assistance from countries including China, the United States and France. He also gave an update on the progress of the investigation on the crew members and passengers during a press conference on Sunday afternoon in Kuala Lumpur.

Today marks the ninth day of the search for the airliner, and the focus of the search has shifted to new regions and deeper seas along two corridors. One stretches from northern Thailand toward the Kazakhstan-Turkmenistan border, the other from Indonesia to the remote Indian Ocean. Investigators are now attempting to obtain radar information from related countries along the corridor.

US intelligence officials said MH370 had conducted strategic dodging efforts after disappearing from the radar, and such ways to avoid being detected by radar require great expertise. It cannot be confirmed yet whether someone on the plane deliberately caused the redirection, or was under pressure to do so. 

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