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美国新任驻华大使博卡斯北京举行到任记者会The new US ambassador to China Max Baucus has held his introductory press conference to speak on bilateral ties. He spoke on what he called America's most important bilateral relat


The new US ambassador to China Max Baucus has held his introductory press conference to speak on bilateral ties. He spoke on what he called America's most important bilateral relationship, and on his major objectives as the top US envoy to China.

All eyes were on Max Baucus as he made his first media appearance as new ambassador.For this 72 year old politician, Beijing is much more than a destination, it’s the beginning of a new journey.

U.S. Ambassador to China Max Baucus briefs journalists at the U.S. embassy in

Beijing, China, Tuesday, March 18, 2014. Baucus is the new U.S. Ambassador to China

following the departure of Gary Locke.

"I look forward to travel all around China and represent the US in every corner of this country. It’s brave words today since I just arrived. I will do all my best to get around the country, I will to meet with people, see people, schools, coffee houses just to get a sense of this country." Baucus said.

Baucus has made numerous trips to China, with the first going as far back as 1993, and his most recent dating to 2010.

The new ambassador does not intend to waste any time, and has already singled out key objectives to work on.

"During my time in Beijing, I hope to accomplish three goals that are critical to the US relationship with China. The first is to strengthen economic ties with China, in a way that is mutually beneficial. The second is to be a partner with China to tackle common global challenges. The third goal is to do everything possible to promote stronger people-to-people ties, including students, tourists, business people and others. These millions of personal ties collectively strengthen the foundation of the bilateral relationship and help promoting mutual trust." Baucus said.

Max Baucus said he agreed with the Chinese leaders that the two countries have more common interests than differences. He said the cooperation in various fields is not only possible, but also very vital. As the new ambassador to China, Max Baucus’ role is to relay the Obama administration’s stance towards China, and many Chinese are expecting that Baucus will play a significant role to strengthen the relationship between the two countries.

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  • 驻华大使
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