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韩国归还437具志愿军遗骸The remains of more than 400 Chinese soldiers, who fought in the Korean War, are finally returning home. This follows an offer made by South Korean President Park Geun-hye during meetings with Pres


The remains of more than 400 Chinese soldiers, who fought in the Korean War, are finally returning home. This follows an offer made by South Korean president Park Geun-hye during meetings with President Xi Jinping last summer.

The remains of the 437 veterans were carefully wrapped and placed into traditional Chinese coffins before being handed over during a ceremony at Seoul’s Incheon International airport. They have now been put on a plane and are on their way back to China. They’ll be laid to rest at a cemetery in the city of Shenyang. 


A Chinese military officer places flowers next to a coffin before rites of

placing the remains of a Chinese soldier in the coffin are conducted at a

South Korean Army base in Paju, north of Seoul March 17, 2014. The

remains of more than 400 Chinese soldiers killed during the 1950-53

Korean War were placed in coffins on Monday during the rites, ahead of

their return to China from South Korea next week for a

permanent burial. [Photo/Agencies]

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