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《论语》(TheAnalectsofConfucius)是儒家的经典著作之一,它是对孔子及其弟子(disciple )的言行和对话的记录。众所周知,孔子是一位伟大的思想家和哲学家,他的思想被发展成了儒家哲学体系。《论语》是儒家思想的代表作,数个世纪以来,《论语》一直极大地影响着中国人的哲学观和道德观,它也影响着其他亚洲国家人民的哲学观和道德观。


"The Analects of Confucius" is one of the classic works of Confucianism, which records the words, deeds, and dialogues of Confucius and his disciples. It is well known that Confucius was a great thinker and philosopher whose ideas were developed into the system of Confucianism. "The Analects" is a representative work of Confucian thought and has greatly influenced the philosophical and moral views of the Chinese people for centuries. It also influences the philosophical and moral views of people in other Asian countries.




Lian Po and Lin Xiangru were both from the state of Zhao. Lian Po was a great general of Zhao, while Lin Xiangru came from a humble background. However, he had made many contributions in the struggle against the state of Qin and was appointed as a top official, with a higher rank than Lian Po. Lian Po was not satisfied and repeatedly looked for opportunities to humiliate Lin Xiangru. However, Lin Xiangru always put the country first and made concessions to maintain the overall situation. Later on, Lian Po learned that Lin Xiangru was not afraid of him, but was worried that the conflict between high-ranking officials would give Qin the opportunity to invade Zhao. If that happened, Zhao would be destroyed, and the common people would suffer. This touched Lian Po deeply, so he went to Lin Xiangru's house with a cane to apologize. Later on, this story was often used to refer to the act of admitting and correcting mistakes made by oneself.


赛龙舟(Dragon boat racing)是端午节的一项重要活动,在中国南方尤为流行。关于这项运动的由来,有一种说法是为了纪念中国古代的著名爱国诗人屈原。龙舟的大小和样式多种多样,但一般都带有装饰性的龙头和龙尾。赛龙舟不仅是一种体育和娱乐活动,它更能体现人们心中的集体主义和爱国主义精神。赛龙舟现已被列入国家级非物质文化遗产名录(National Intangible Cultural Heritage List)。


Dragon boat racing is an important activity during the Dragon Boat Festival, which is particularly popular in southern China. It is said to have originated to commemorate the famous patriotic poet Qu Yuan of ancient China. Dragon boats come in various sizes and styles and are typically decorated with a dragon head and tail. Dragon boat racing is not only a sport and entertainment activity, but also reflects the collective and patriotic spirit of the people. Now Dragon boat racing has been listed on the National Intangible Cultural Heritage List.


中餐(Chinese cuisine)非常重视营养。药膳(medicinal cuisine)是在传统中草药实践的基础上,将严格加工的中药与传统烹饪材料相结合,制作出的具有养生功能的美味食品。现在,人们认为食物补品(tonic)在强身健体方面比药物要好得多。制作药膳,有各种各样的优质材料可供选择,每种成分都有自己独特的风味。


Chinese cuisine places great emphasis on nutrition. Medicinal cuisine, based on traditional Chinese herb practices, combines strictly processed Chinese herbal medicine with traditional cooking ingredients to create delicious and nutritious food with health-promoting functions. Nowadays, people believe that food tonics are much better than medicines for strengthening the body. There are a variety of high-quality ingredients available for making medicinal cuisine, and each ingredient has its own unique flavor.



洞庭湖位于湖南省东北部,面积很大,但湖水很浅。洞庭湖是长江的蓄洪地, 湖的大小很大程度上取决于季节变化。湖北和湖南两省因其与湖的相对位置而得名:湖北意为“湖的北边”, 而湖南则为“湖的南边”。洞庭湖作为龙舟赛的发源地,在中国文化中享有盛名。据说龙舟赛始于洞庭湖东岸,为的是搜寻楚国爱国诗人屈原的遗体。龙舟赛与洞庭湖及周边的美景,每年都吸引着成千上万来自全国和世界各地的游客。


Dongting Lake is located in the northeastern part of Hunan Province, China. It has a large area, but the water is shallow. Dongting Lake serves as a flood storage area for the Yangtze River, and its size largely depends on seasonal changes. The provinces of Hubei and Hunan are named after their relative positions to the lake: Hubei means "north of the lake" and Hunan means "south of the lake".

As the birthplace of dragon boat racing, Dongting Lake enjoys a great reputation in Chinese culture. It is said that dragon boat races originated on the eastern bank of Dongting Lake, with the purpose of searching for the body of Qu Yuan, a patriotic poet from the Chu state. The dragon boat races, along with the beautiful scenery surrounding Dongting Lake, attract thousands of visitors from all over China and the world every year.


明朝(the Ming Dynasty)初期,中国是世界上最发达的国家之一。为了弘扬国力、加强与其他各国的联系,明成祖多次派遣郑和出使西洋。1405年,郑和开始了第一次航行。他的舰队由200多艘船构成,所载人数超过2万人,包括水手、军人、技术人员、译员等,还有大量黄金和丝绸,用于交易和作为礼品。往返用了两年时间。郑和出使的一些国家随船派遣使者(envoy),并带来向明朝进贡的贡品(tribute)。郑和下西洋是世界航海史上的一大壮举(feat)。今天,东南亚仍有很多纪念郑和的建筑。


In the early period of the Ming Dynasty, China was one of the most developed countries in the world. In order to promote national power and strengthen connections with other countries, Emperor Chengzu of the Ming Dynasty dispatched Zheng He on multiple voyages to the West. In 1405, Zheng He embarked on his first voyage. His fleet consisted of over 200 ships and carried more than 20,000 people, including sailors, soldiers, technicians, interpreters, as well as a large quantity of gold and silk for trade and gifts. The round trips took two years. Some countries visited by Zheng He sent envoys onboard with tribute to the Ming Dynasty. Zheng He’s voyages to the West were a remarkable feat in the history of world navigation. Today, there are still many architectural monuments in Southeast Asia commemorating Zheng He.


自隋朝起,封建政府开始从科举考试(imperial examination)合格的应试者中选拔官员。参加科举考试的人有两种:一种由学馆选送的学生构成,叫做生徒 (shengtu);另一种叫做乡贡(xianggong),由县试合格者构成。唐朝的科举考试一般由礼部(Ministry of Rites)主持。考生考取后,再经吏部(Ministry of Personnel)复试,根据成绩授予相应的官职。科举制度一直被多朝沿用,直到中国最后一个封建王朝—清朝。然而,明清时期,科举制度演变成严格、呆板的制度,阻碍了中国考试制度的现代化和科学化发展。


Since the Sui Dynasty, the feudal government began selecting officials from those who passed the imperial examination. There were two types of candidates participating in the imperial examination. One consisted of students selected by academies, known as “shengtu” (生徒). The other type, called “xianggong” (乡贡), was composed of those who passed the county examination. During the Tang Dynasty, the imperial examination was generally presided over by the Ministry of Rites. After passing the examination, candidates would undergo a re-examination by the Ministry of Personnel, and corresponding official positions would be conferred based on their performance. The imperial examination system was continuously used by various dynasties until the Qing Dynasty, the last feudal dynasty in China. However, during the Ming and Qing periods, the imperial examination system became rigid and inflexible, hindering the modernization and scientific development of the Chinese examination system.


《春秋》是中国古代的编年史,自古以来一直是中国经典的核心内容之一。《春秋》是鲁国的官方编年史,记录了从公元前722年到公元前481年共241年的历史。它是现存最早的以编年史形式编写的中国历史文献。因为传统上认为它是由孔子编撰的,所以它和《诗经》(the book of Poetry)、《尚书》(the Book of History)、《易经》(the Book of Changes)、《礼记》(the Book of Rites)一起被列入《五经》(the Five Classics)。《春秋》记载了每年发生在鲁国的主要事件,如结婚、死亡和统治者的葬礼、战斗、祭祀仪式(sacrificial rituals)、被认为具有重要仪式意义的天象(celestial phenomena)和自然灾害。


The Spring and Autumn Annals is an ancient Chinese chronicle that has been one of the core contents of Chinese classics since ancient times. The Spring and Autumn Annals is the official chronicle of the state of Lu, recording the history of 241 years from 722 BCE to 481 BCE. It is the earliest extant Chinese historical document written in the form of a chronicle. Because it is traditionally believed to have been compiled by Confucius, it is listed along with the Book of Poetry, the Book of History, the Book of Changes, and the Book of Rites in the Five Classics. The Spring and Autumn Annals records the main events that occurred in the State of Lu every year, such as marriages, deaths, and rulers' funerals, battles, sacrificial rituals, celestial phenomena and natural disasters that are considered to have important ritual significance.


李清照是中国最伟大的女词人。她的词作在情感上多以爱情、离别、相思等为主题,如《声声慢》(Slow Slow Song)等,通过细腻的描写和深刻的表达,表现了她对生命中重要的事物的珍视和热爱。李清照的文学作品不仅在当时广受欢迎,而且对后世文学的发展产生了深远影响。她的文学成就不仅为女性文学的发展做出了重要贡献,也为中国文学的发展注入了新的活力和创造力。


Li Qingzhao is the greatest female poet in China. Her poems are mostly themed on love, separation, and longing for each other, such as "Slow Slow Song". through exquisite descriptions and profound expressions, she expresses her cherishing and love for the important things in life. Li Qingzhao's literary works were not only widely popular at the time, but also had a profound influence on the development of literature in later generations. Her literary achievements not only made important contributions to the development of women's literature, but also injected new vitality and creativity into the development of Chinese literature.




Chinese gardens are unique landscapes that have evolved over more than 3,000 years. They include both large gardens built for the enjoyment of royalty and private gardens built by scholars, businessmen, and retired government officials to escape the noisy outside world. These gardens constitute a miniature landscape intended to express the harmonious relationship between man and nature. The typical Chinese garden is surrounded by walls, with ponds, rockeries, trees, flowers, and various buildings connected by winding paths and corridors. Walking in the garden, one can see a series of carefully designed landscapes unfolding like a landscape painting before them.




Since ancient times, Chinese people have celebrated harvest in the Mid Autumn Festival, which is very similar to the custom of celebrating Thanksgiving Day in North America. The custom of celebrating Mid-Autumn festival began to be popular throughout China in the early Tang Dynasty. The Mid-Autumn Festival, on the 15th day of the eighth month of the lunar calendar, is a festival for people to worship the moon. On this day, the moon is bright in the sky, and people gather together to enjoy the moon. In 2006, the Mid-Autumn Festival was listed as China's cultural heritage, and in 2008, it was designated as a public holiday. Moon cakes were regarded as indispensable food for the Mid-Autumn Festival. People gave moon cakes as gifts to relatives and friends or enjoyed them at family gatherings. traditional mooncakes are marked with words such as "longevity", "blessing" or "harmony".




Qinghai Lake is located at an altitude of 3,205 meters and about 100 kilometers west of Xining, the capital of Qinghai Province. It is the largest saltwater lake in China, covering an area of 4,317 square kilometers and standing at 25.5 meters. There are 23 rivers flowing into the lake, most of which are seasonal. Eighty percent of the lake's water originates from five main rivers. Qinghai Lake is located at the intersection of several migratory routes of birds across Asia. Many birds use Qinghai Lake as a temporary resting place during their migration. On the west side of the lake is the famous "Bird Island", which attracts birdwatchers from all over the world. Every summer, tourists also come here to watch international cycling competitions.




The Song Dynasty began in 960 and lasted until 1279. During this period, China's economy grew significantly, becoming the world's most advanced economy, and science, technology, philosophy, and mathematics flourished. China in the Song Dynasty was the first country in world history to issue paper money. The Song Dynasty was also the first to use gunpowder and invented movable-type printing. The population grew rapidly, and more and more people lived in cities, where there were lively entertainment venues. Social life was diverse, and people gathered to watch and trade precious artworks. The government system of the Song Dynasty was also advanced at that time. Government officials were selected and appointed through competitive examinations.




The Tang Dynasty, which began in 618 and ended in 907, was the most splendid period in Chinese history. After three hundred years of development, China in the Tang Dynasty became the most prosperous power in the world, and its capital Chang'an was the largest city in the world. During this period, the economy was developed, commerce was prosperous, social order was stable, and even the border was open to the outside world. With the increase of wealth in urbanization, art and literature also flourished. Li Bai and Du Fu were poets known for their concise and natural works. Their poems touched the hearts of scholars and ordinary people, and even today, many of their poems are still widely read and recited by children and adults.




With the development of economy and society, China's population structure has undergone significant changes and gradually entered an aging society. The elderly population in China will continue to increase, and the trend of population aging will become more obvious. In order to cope with the challenges brought by population aging, the country is actively taking measures to increase support for old-age care. through reforming the social security system, the government has been increasing social security funds and gradually expanding the coverage of social security, which benefits more elderly people. The government also encourages various social groups to provide services for the elderly. With the joint efforts of the government and social groups, the elderly will live a happier life.




In China, with the advent of an aging society, the issue of providing for the elderly has received widespread attention. The most talked-about issue is what kind of pension model should be adopted. Most people believe that the pension model needs to be diversified. through government guidance and social participation, more and better pension service institutions can be established, community service centers can be improved, home-based self-care for the elderly can be encouraged, and the combination of family and social pension can be promoted. With the continuous increase in government and social investment in pension services, pension facilities will continue to be upgraded, service quality will gradually improve, and the lives of the elderly will become more convenient, comfortable, healthy, and happy.




In recent years, the elderly population in China has continued to grow. The Chinese government is taking various measures to promote the construction of a pension service system to ensure the health and happiness of the elderly in their later years. Various types of pension service institutions have been established across the country. In order to improve the service quality of pension institutions, the government has promulgated a series of standards to strengthen the supervision of pension institutions. Many cities have opened community canteens to provide affordable meals for the elderly. The elderly with limited mobility can also enjoy home delivery services. At the same time, China is actively exploring other pension models such as home and community care to ensure that all elderly people have a sense of security.




A new law enacted this week requires children to visit their parents over the age of 60 regularly and ensure that their financial and spiritual needs are met. On Tuesday, Xinhua News agency reported a news story about a 77-year-old woman from Wuxi, Jiangsu Province suing her daughter for neglecting her. This is the first case after the new law came into effect, and the local court stipulated that her daughter should visit her mother at least twice a month and provide financial support. However, this law has sparked controversy. Some people say that it has put more pressure on those who have moved away from their hometown for work, study or other reasons.




For a woman, traditional beauty is her only symbol. Her skin should be naturally beautiful, without wrinkles, scars, or blemishes. Her body should be thin and slender, usually tall and with long legs. Youth is the primary condition. All the beautiful women who appear in TV commercials with "beautiful faces and moon-like appearances" meet this standard. This image is artificial and can be artificially created. Many women do their best to manipulate and modify their appearance and body shape.





Recently, the number of students taking the IELTS test to enter overseas universities has been increasing, and the organizers of the IELTS test have also increased the number of exams to meet the demand. During the IELTS exams between May and July last year, there were 10,000 examinees in Shanghai, and this figure has increased to around 17,000 this year, an increase of about 70% compared to the same period last year. The increasing pressure of employment competition is the main reason why many university graduates choose to continue their studies overseas.


翻译家金堤先生去世后,告别活动“颇为不拘一格”。其家人的告别邀请信中写道:“我们邀请各位朋友和我们一起庆祝他87年丰富的生活,纪念他一丝不苟的精神。留几句话与他告别,喝一杯故乡的酒为他送行。” 那天,在音乐和花丛中,金先生的从容和欢乐,通过家人和朋友的娓娓诉说,弥漫开来,温暖着每个人。 这样的告别,不免让人心生感喟:通常,与逝者告别,往往是到那个肃穆的地方:哀乐低回,人们踽踽而过,低头,默哀,垂泪,悲不自胜,那哀伤似比寒风更彻骨。


After the death of translator Jin Di, the farewell ceremony was "rather unconventional". In the invitation letter of his family, it was written: "We invite all friends to celebrate his rich life of 87 years with us, and commemorate his meticulous spirit. Say a few words to bid farewell to him, and toast with a glass of hometown liquor." On that day, in the midst of music and flowers, Jin's ease and joy spread through the words of his family and friends, warming everyone. Such a farewell inevitably makes people feel sad: Usually, bidding farewell to the deceased often goes to that solemn place: the sad music echoing, people shuffling past, bowing their heads, mourning silently, weeping, overwhelmed with grief, and the sadness seems to be more piercing than the cold wind.


人的生命,终会消失,如同晚秋的落叶终会飘向地面。不忍分别是人之常情,但恐怕每一个逝者都不愿留给生者的只是哀伤的记忆。记得夏衍走时,留给大家的是一曲深情的《绿叶青葱》;光未然走时,人们听到的依然是那激昂的《黄河颂》…人走了,如蜡烛燃尽,如油灯耗干,如落叶归于泥土,如溪水流入江海…但蜡烛、油灯都曾照亮过人间;落叶曾用青绿展现盎然生机;溪水一路丁冬,给人们带来无尽欢乐。 用一种别样的告别,不是更温暖和美好吗?


Human life will eventually disappear, just like the autumn leaves that will eventually drift to the ground. It is human nature to be reluctant to part, but I am afraid that every deceased person would not want to leave only sad memories to the living. When Xia Yan passed away, he left us a soulful song "Green Leaves and Green Grass". When Guang Weiran passed away, people still heard the passionate song "Ode to the Yellow River"… People are gone, like candles burning out, like oil lamps running dry, like fallen leaves returning to the soil, like streams flowing into the rivers and seas… But candles and oil lamps have illuminated the world; fallen leaves have shown vibrant vitality with green and blue; streams have been murmuring all the way, bringing endless joy to people. Isn't it warmer and better to use a different kind of farewell?


中国古人曾将碎石悬在一起,风吹时就能发出清脆的声音,他们将这种东西称为“占风铎(zhan feng duo)”,目的是用来知风。占风铎应该就是风铃(wind-bell)的起源。有人认为风铃会招魂,不宜摆放,但是在亚洲的一些地区,人们认为风铃能带来好运,常用风铃来预测风水(feng shui)。风铃能发出令人愉快的清脆声音,因此人们在闷热潮湿的夏日就会把风铃挂在窗边,给人以清爽的感觉。


Ancient Chinese once hung broken stones together, which would emit a clear sound when the wind blew. They called this object "Zhan Feng Duo" and used it to detect the direction of the wind. Zhan Feng Duo is believed to be the origin of the wind-bell. Some people think that wind-bells attract spirits and should not be placed, but in some regions of Asia, people believe that wind-bells can bring good luck and are often used to predict feng shui. Wind-bells can emit pleasant and clear sounds, so people often hang them at the windows during hot and humid summer days, giving people a refreshing feeling.


西安是中国古代13个王朝(dynasty)的首都。毫无疑问,它是中国历史与文化的完美代表。西安居于“中国古都”之首,在中国历史上建都时间最长、影响力最大。它是丝绸之路(the Silk Road)的起点,是中华文明的发祥地。西安到处都是令人惊叹的历史奇观,因此吸引着众多的国内外游客。那里有着中国最古老、最壮观的博物馆和寺庙,其中最著名的是拥有2000年历史的兵马俑博物馆(the Terracotta Warriors Museum)。


Xi'an, the capital of 13 dynasties in ancient China, undoubtedly stands as a perfect representative of Chinese history and culture. It tops the list of "ancient capitals of China" with the longest duration and the greatest influence in Chinese history. As the starting point of the Silk Road and the birthplace of Chinese civilization, Xi'an is filled with astonishing historical wonders that attract countless domestic and foreign tourists. The city boasts the oldest and most spectacular museums and temples in China, among which the Terracotta Warriors Museum, with a history of 2,000 years, is the most famous.




Harmony derived from the inner heart of people. A healthy personality and good mentality are related to both personal physical and mental harmony and social harmony and stability. A person with an inner imbalance, an unbalanced mind, a heart filled with anxiety, depression, and even hatred, often finds it difficult to get along with himself and the surrounding environment. Life cannot be harmonious. Peace of mind can bring peace of mind, inner harmony can bring outer harmony. To maintain physical and mental harmony, we should think in a peaceful way, be more rational, less emotional, more intelligent, less chaotic, more calm, less impetuous, more indifferent, less obsessed, more generous, less paranoid.


三峡,是万里长江一段风景壮丽的大峡谷,为中国十大风景名胜之一。它西起四川省奉节县的白帝城,向东延伸至湖北省宜昌市的南津关,由瞿塘峡、巫峡、西陵峡组成,全长192公里。长江三峡,无 限风光。瞿塘峡的雄伟,巫峡的秀丽,西陵峡的险峻,还有三段峡谷的大宁河、香溪、神农溪的古朴,并伴随着许多美丽的神话和动人的传说,令人心驰神往。


The Three Gorges, a magnificent canyon in the Yangtze River, is one of the top ten scenic spots in China. It starts from Baidi City in Fengjie County, Sichuan Province in the west and extends eastward to Nanjinguan in Yichang City, Hubei Province. It consists of Qutang Gorge, Wu Gorge and Xiling Gorge, with a total length of 192 kilometers. The Three Gorges of the Yangtze River are full of scenery. The majesty of Qutang Gorge, the beauty of Wu Gorge, the steepness of Xiling Gorge, as well as the simplicity of the Daning River, Xiangxi and Shennongxi in the three sections of the canyon, accompanied by many beautiful myths and touching legends, are fascinating.

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