



The Cannes Film festival security guard embroiled in a red carpet clash with Kelly Rowland has been involved in separate incidents with two other stars.


The Destiny’s Child star, 43, who attended the premiere of the film Marcello Mio, appeared to reprimand a security guard in a heated exchange on the red carpet.


The confrontation began when a female security guard attempted to guide Rowland up the stairs, holding up her arms to direct her path.


Following this controversy, separate footage of the security guard involved in tense moments with Massiel Taveras and Yoona has flooded social media.


Taveras took to the red carpet in a bold white gown emblazoned with Jesus’ face, providing one of the most iconic looks of the prestigious event.


Taveras was seen looking noticeably miffed as she tried to drag her lengthy cape up the famous steps while being hurried along by staff.


The clash came to a head at the top of the stairs, where Taveras appears to become so frustrated with the staff manhandling her dress that she signals to them to leave her be, before shoving the female guard.


It came in response to the guard wrapping her arm around the actor and continuing to move her inside the venue, which led to a shove from Taveras and a heated exchange between the pair.


K-pop idol Yoona, full name Im Yoon-ah, was also videoed receiving similar treatment from the same security guard as she was seen being ushered along the red carpet swiftly.

K-pop偶像林允儿(全名Im Yoon-ah)也被拍到受到同一名安保人员的类似对待,她被人迅速地带过红毯。

Security guard rushed YoonA out of the carpet at the Cannes Film Festival.The same security guard was involved in incidents with Kelly Rowland and Massiel Taveras.

戛纳电影节安保人员冲Im Yoon-ah允儿喊话,让她离开红毯。同一名安保人员与凯莉·罗兰和马西埃尔·塔韦拉斯也发生过类似事件。

While this incident didn’t seem to result in a verbal or physical clash, the singer appeared visibly uncomfortable in a video where she was seen being led quickly into the venue, rather than posing for the cameras.


It comes after Rowland addressed the now infamous clash she had with the security guard, saying her appearance was at the centre of the row.


She told The Daily Mail: ‘The woman knows what happened. I know what happened. And, I have a boundary. And I stand by those boundaries and that is it.’


Kelly Rowland spotted giving security a stern dressing down on Cannes red carpetVideo Player is loading.Play VideoLoaded: 5.16%0:00PlayMuteCurrent Time 0:00/Duration 1:09Fullscreen

凯莉·罗兰在戛纳红毯上被看到严厉训斥安保人员 视频播放器正在加载。播放视频加载完成:5.16%0:00播放静音当前时间 0:00/时长 1:09全屏

Rowland continued: ‘There were other women who attended that carpet, who did not quite look like me, and they didn’t get scolded or pushed off or told to get off.’


The Bills, Bills, Bills hitmaker was seen pointing her finger at the security guard and engaging in what appeared to be a verbal dispute. She then turned fully to face the staff member as they ascended the stairs, continuing the confrontation before finally entering the theatre.

这位《The Bills, Bills, Bills 》的制作人被看到指着安保人员,并与她进行了似乎是口头争执的对话。随后,他们走上楼梯时,她完全转向那位工作人员,继续争执,最终进入剧院。

Many internet sleuths are sure they can read Rowland’s lips in the video and think she’s said some combination of: ‘Don’t talk to me like that you’re not my mother’ and ‘I’m not a child.’


The cause of the dispute remains unclear, but an inside source provided some context to the Daily Mail.


According to the source, the security personnel were reportedly aggressive in their handling of the stars on the red carpet.


‘The people who are assigned to helping stars walk the red carpet were being aggressive and Kelly was trying to ignore it,’ the source explained.


As the situation escalated, Rowland’s patience seemed to wear thin. ‘By the time she got to the last woman, she had had it because she scolded Kelly and told her to move when she was trying to wave to fans and help the paparazzi get their shot,’ the source added.


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