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On July 20th, 2021, Zhengzhou, a city in central China, experienced a devastating downpour that caused severe urban flooding. The heavy rain, which lasted for several hours, resulted in the worst flooding in the city's history.

The torrential rain overwhelmed the city's infrastructure, particularly its subway system. The water entered the subway tunnels and stations, causing extensive damage and disrupting transportation services. thousands of people were stranded in the subways, and emergency responders had to conduct evacuations to ensure their safety.

The rainfall in Zhengzhou exceeded 600mm within a 24-hour period, which is considered a once-in-a-century event. The flash floods swept away vehicles, destroyed buildings, and caused power outages in many parts of the city. The disaster left over 50 people dead and hundreds missing.

Despite the scale of the disaster, the city's residents and emergency responders demonstrated great resilience. People came together to help each other, with many offering assistance to those in need. The emergency response teams worked tirelessly to rescue those trapped and provide aid to those affected by the floods.

In the aftermath of the disaster, the government and other organizations have been working to assess the damage and provide support to those affected. The city is also examining its infrastructure and emergency response systems to prevent similar disasters in the future.


1. What was the main cause of the disaster in Zhengzhou?

a) Heavy rain

b) Earthquake

c) Typhoon

d) Landslide

2. Which of the following was most affected by the heavy rain in Zhengzhou?

a) Roads

b) Subway system

c) Power supply

d) Buildings

3. How did the residents of Zhengzhou respond to the disaster?

a) They panicked and left the city

b) They provided assistance to those in need

c) They ignored the situation

d) They attacked emergency responders

4. What was the rainfall in Zhengzhou during the disaster?

a) Less than 50mm

b) Between 50mm and 100mm

c) Between 100mm and 200mm

d) Over 600mm

5. What lessons can be learned from the Zhengzhou disaster?

a) City infrastructure should be improved

b) Emergency response systems should be upgraded

c) Both a) and b)

d) The city should be relocated


1. 根据文章第一段 "On July 20th, 2021, Zhengzhou, a city in central China, experienced a devastating downpour that caused severe urban flooding." 可知,郑州暴雨的主要原因是 heavy rain,因此正确答案是 a) Heavy rain。

2. 根据文章第二段 "The torrential rain overwhelmed the city's infrastructure, particularly its subway system." 可知,郑州地铁系统受到了严重的破坏,因此正确答案是 b) Subway system。

3. 根据文章第三段 "Despite the scale of the disaster, the city's residents and emergency responders demonstrated great resilience." 和文章中的其他描述,可知居民们表现出了极大的韧性,提供了必要的援助,因此正确答案是 b) They provided assistance to those in need。

4. 根据文章第四段 "The rainfall in Zhengzhou exceeded 600mm within a 24-hour period, which is considered a once-in-a-century event." 可知,郑州的降雨量超过了600毫米,因此正确答案是 d) Over 600mm。

5. 根据文章最后一段 "The city is also examining its infrastructure and emergency response systems to prevent similar disasters in the future." 可知,郑州暴雨的教训是城市基础设施和应急响应系统都需要改进,因此正确答案是 c) Both a) and b)。

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