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Shells are the hard outer coverings of marine creatures, which serve as protection and support for their bodies. These beautiful and diverse structures can be found along the seashores, where many people enjoy collecting them as souvenirs of their beach visits.

Marine organisms have developed shells as an adaptation to their environment. The shells are made of calcium carbonate and can come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors. Some shells are smooth and sleek, while others are rough and bumpy. Each shell is a unique masterpiece, created by the creature that lives inside it.

Shells can provide clues about the creatures that once lived in them. By examining the size, shape, and pattern of a shell, scientists can identify the type of creature it belonged to. Additionally, the arrangement of the shell's chambers can give insight into the creature's lifestyle and behavior.

The mystery of shells lies in their formation process. As marine creatures grow, they continuously secrete calcium carbonate to build and repair their shells. Over time, the shells become harder and stronger, protecting the creatures from predators and environmental pressures.

Collecting shells is a popular hobby among beachgoers. People often use shells as decorative items for their homes or create artwork with them. Others appreciate the natural beauty and uniqueness of each shell, making them a cherished part of their collection.

In conclusion, shells are not just beautiful objects to admire, but they also hold the secrets of marine life. Their diverse forms and intricate patterns are a testament to the incredible adaptability of marine organisms. Next time you visit the beach, take a moment to appreciate the wonders of shells and the creatures that create them.


1. What is the main purpose of shells for marine creatures?

a) Protection

b) Support

c) Movement

d) All of the above

2. according to the text, which of the following is NOT a characteristic of shells?

a) Beautiful

b) Diverse

c) Rough

d) Edible

3. How do shells help scientists identify marine creatures?

a) By examining their size, shape, and color

b) By studying their arrangement of chambers

c) By analyzing the creatures' DNA

d) All of the above

4. What is the mystery behind shells?

a) Their formation process

b) The creatures that live inside them

c) The way they are used in decorative items

d) The significance of their patterns

5. Why is collecting shells a popular hobby?

a) Because they are beautiful and unique

b) Because they are easy to find on the beach

c) Because they have monetary value

d) Because they provide clues about marine life


1. d) All of the above

2. d) Edible

3. d) All of the above

4. a) Their formation process

5. a) Because they are beautiful and unique


1. 根据文章第一段 "Shells are the hard outer coverings of marine creatures, which serve as protection and support for their bodies." 可知,壳对于海洋生物来说主要是用来保护和支撑身体的,因此正确答案是 d) All of the above。

2. 根据文章第二段 "These beautiful and diverse structures can be found along the seashores..." 可知,壳是美丽和多样的,但没有提到壳是粗糙的或者是可食用的,因此正确答案是 d) Edible。

3. 根据文章第三段 "By examining the size, shape, and pattern of a shell, scientists can identify the type of creature it belonged to." 和文章的描述,可知科学家通过观察壳的大小、形状和颜色以及它们的房间排列来识别海洋生物,因此正确答案是 d) All of the above。

4. 根据文章第四段 "The mystery of shells lies in their formation process." 可知,壳的神秘之处在于它们的形成过程,因此正确答案是 a) Their formation process。

5. 根据文章最后一段 "Collecting shells is a popular hobby among beachgoers. People often use shells as decorative items for their homes or create artwork with them." 可知,收集壳是因为它们美丽且独特,因此正确答案是 a) Because they are beautiful and unique。

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