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台湾一直升机坠毁 导演齐柏林罹难

Acclaimed film director Po-lin Chi is feared dead after the helicopter he was reportedly flying in crashed near a port in Fengbin, Taiwan on Saturday killing three people on board, according to local authorities.The airc

Acclaimed film director Po-lin Chi is feared dead after the helicopter he was reportedly flying in crashed near a port in Fengbin, Taiwan on Saturday killing three people on board, according to local authorities.

The aircraft went down at around 10:00 a.m. local time while on an aerial photography assignment. 

Three bodies were found at the scene but local authorities have yet to confirm their identities. 

台湾一直升机坠毁 导演齐柏林罹难

Po-lin Chi winning the 50th Golden Horse Awards in 2013./VCG Photo

Po-lin Chi, director of "Beyond Beauty: Taiwan from Above", was on the passenger list, local police said. An investigation is underway to determine if he is one of the deceased. 

"Beyond Beauty: Taiwan from Above" is a documentary film showcasing images of Taiwan from the air and won the 50th Golden Horse award in 2013. 

On Thursday, Chi held a press conference in Taipei, announcing a sequel to the documentary. 

  • 本文标签:
  • 直升机 Acclaimed
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