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In recent years, there has been a heated debate on whether college students should get married. The graph illustrates the proportion of college students who support or oppose marriage.

From the graph, it can be seen that approximately 60% of college students are in favor of marriage, while the remaining 40% are against it. The reasons for supporting marriage are varied. About 25% believe that marriage can provide emotional stability and support. Another 20% argue that marriage is a natural progression in life and they want to start a family early. Additionally, 15% think that marriage can offer financial security.

On the other hand, the opponents of college marriage mainly concern about the potential risks. About 20% are worried about the impact of marriage on their academic performance. Another 15% believe that they are not emotionally ready for marriage. Furthermore, 10% are concerned about the social pressure and expectations.

In conclusion, while many college students are open to the idea of marriage, they should carefully consider the potential benefits and drawbacks. It is crucial to balance personal relationships and academic responsibilities during college years.


In recent years, there has been a growing trend of Chinese students who have studied abroad returning to China after completing their education. This phenomenon, commonly referred to as "turtles returning home", has sparked a heated debate among the public.

According to the statistics provided by the Ministry of Education, the number of Chinese students studying abroad has witnessed a steady increase in recent years. In 2018, over 660,000 Chinese students pursuing higher education overseas, a figure that has quadrupled in comparison to that of 2008.

The reasons behind this phenomenon are varied and complex. On one hand, the improvement of China's economy and the rapid development of its industries have provided attractive opportunities for these returned students. Many of them are lured by the potential for career growth and the chance to contribute to their motherland. On the other hand, the increasingly restrictive immigration policies in developed countries and the desire to stay close to their families have also played a role in the decision to return.

This trend has significant implications for China's development. The returned students bring with them advanced knowledge, skills, and global perspectives, which can help drive innovation and economic growth in the country. However, it also puts a strain on China's job market and housing prices, as these highly educated individuals compete with local graduates for limited resources.

In conclusion, while the phenomenon of turtles returning home presents both opportunities and challenges for China, it is clear that the country must continue to invest in education and innovation to fully harness the potential of these returning talents.







In recent years, the use of credit cards among college students has been on the rise. This trend has sparked a heated debate regarding the consumption view of college students.

According to the survey conducted by the China Youth Credit Card Center, the number of college students who own a credit card has reached 50%, with the average credit card limit per student standing at around 20,000 yuan.

The reasons behind this phenomenon are varied. On one hand, the convenience and safety of credit cards have made them an increasingly popular choice among college students for everyday expenses. On the other hand, the desire to keep up with the Joneses and the marketing strategies of credit card companies have also influenced college students to apply for credit cards.

However, there is a growing concern about the potential negative impacts of credit card debt on college students. Many students may not have the financial discipline to manage their credit card spending, which could lead to debt problems and financial difficulties.

In conclusion, while credit cards can offer convenience and benefits to college students, it is important for them to develop a responsible consumption view and manage their credit card usage wisely to avoid potential financial risks.







The "parasitic adult", or "NEET" (Not in Education, Employment, or Training) phenomenon has gained attention in recent years as a significant social issue. The term refers to young adults who continue to rely on their parents for financial support well into their adulthood.

According to the National Bureau of Statistics, the number of young adults aged 18-34 living with their parents and relying on them for financial support has reached 63 million in 2020, which is a staggering 40% of this age group.

There are several factors contributing to this phenomenon. Firstly, the rising cost of living and the increasing difficulty of finding employment have made it challenging for young adults to achieve financial independence. Secondly, the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the situation, resulting in a record number of young people unable to secure employment. Lastly, there is a cultural aspect to this issue, with some parents encouraging their children to continue living with them and relying on them financially.

This trend has significant implications for both the individuals and society as a whole. For the young adults, it can lead to a lack of self-reliance and problem-solving skills. For society, it can strain social security systems and create a dependency mindset among the younger generation.

In conclusion, the "parasitic adult" phenomenon is a complex issue that requires a multi-pronged approach. It is crucial for society to provide more support to young adults in terms of employment opportunities and skills training, while also encouraging parents to foster independence in their children.







The graph illustrates the dramatic growth in the online food delivery industry in recent years. The industry has experienced a significant surge in popularity, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to the data provided by the National Bureau of Statistics, the online food delivery market experienced an annual growth rate of over 30% from 2016 to 2020. In 2020, the market size reached 1.6 trillion yuan, accounting for approximately 10% of the total food service industry.

Several factors contribute to the growth of the online food delivery industry. Firstly, the convenience and speed of ordering food through apps have attracted busy individuals who prefer to spend less time on cooking. Secondly, the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the trend, as people are increasingly relying on contactless delivery to minimize the risk of infection. Lastly, the fierce competition among online food delivery platforms has led to improved services and greater choices for consumers.

However, the growth of the online food delivery industry also brings challenges. The excessive use of plastic packaging can have a negative impact on the environment. Additionally, some consumers express concerns about the quality and hygiene of the food prepared by restaurants.

In conclusion, the online food delivery industry has experienced remarkable growth in recent years, driven by factors such as convenience, the pandemic, and increased competition among platforms. Nonetheless, it is essential for the industry to address environmental and food safety issues to ensure sustainable and healthy development.







The graph illustrates the growing trend of home schooling in recent years, which has been influenced by various factors.

According to the data provided by the National Bureau of Statistics, the number of students engaged in home schooling has increased by over 30% from 2016 to 2020. This trend can be mainly attributed to the following reasons.

Firstly, with the advancement of technology, online learning platforms and resources have become increasingly accessible, allowing students to receive high-quality education from the comfort of their own homes. This has particularly been highlighted during the COVID-19 pandemic, when remote learning became the norm.

Secondly, some parents prefer home schooling as they believe it provides a more personalized and tailored education for their children. Home schooling allows for flexibility in the curriculum and teaching methods, catering to individual learning styles and interests.

Lastly, the rising cost of private education has led many families to opt for home schooling as a more affordable alternative. Home schooling can be less expensive than sending children to private schools or hiring private tutors.

However, home schooling also has its challenges. It requires a significant amount of self-discipline and motivation from students. Additionally, students may lack social interaction and miss out on the benefits of a traditional school environment, such as extracurricular activities and socializing with peers.

In conclusion, the trend of home schooling is on the rise due to factors such as advancements in technology, personalized education, and financial considerations. Nonetheless, it is important to address the challenges associated with home schooling to ensure a well-rounded education for students.




其次,一些家长更喜欢在家上学,因为他们认为这可以为他们的孩子提供更加个性化和定制化的教育。在家上学允许在课程和教学方法上具有灵活性,迎合 individual learning styles and interests。





The bar chart illustrates the various poverty alleviation programs implemented by the Chinese government and their impact on the rural population.

According to the data provided, the number of people living in poverty has decreased significantly from 2016 to 2020. This can be primarily attributed to the government's implementation of targeted poverty alleviation policies.

One of the key strategies employed by the government is the "Once Poor, Always Poor" initiative, which aims to provide sustainable income sources for impoverished families. This includes programs such as setting up agriculture cooperatives, promoting rural tourism, and providing vocational training.

Additionally, the government has also invested heavily in improving infrastructure in rural areas, such as building roads, schools, and healthcare facilities. This has not only improved the living conditions of the rural population but also created job opportunities, thereby helping to lift more people out of poverty.

Furthermore, the government has implemented policies to support the education of children from poor families. This includes providing scholarships, grants, and reduced tuition fees, ensuring that no child is left behind due to financial constraints.

In conclusion, the various poverty alleviation programs implemented by the Chinese government have had a significant impact in reducing poverty rates in rural areas. through targeted policies, investment in infrastructure, and support for education, the government has successfully lifted many people out of poverty, improving their quality of life.








The pie chart illustrates the spending on outbound travel in China from 2016 to 2020.

According to the data provided, the total spending on outbound travel in China has experienced a significant increase from 2016 to 2019, with a slight decrease in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2016, Chinese travelers spent approximately 100 billion USD on outbound travel, which rose to 150 billion USD in 2019. However, this figure decreased to 80 billion USD in 2020.

The main reasons for the increasing trend of outbound travel are the rising living standards and the easing of travel restrictions. As people's incomes have increased, they have more disposable income to spend on travel. Additionally, the easing of travel restrictions has made it easier for people to obtain passports and visas, further encouraging them to explore different countries and cultures.

One of the most popular destinations for Chinese travelers is Japan, followed by Thailand and Singapore. These destinations are attractive due to their unique cultures, delicious cuisine, and beautiful scenery.

In conclusion, the spending on outbound travel in China has seen a significant increase in recent years, despite a brief decline in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The rising living standards and the easing of travel restrictions are the main reasons for this trend. As people become more affluent and travel restrictions continue to ease, it is likely that the trend of outbound travel will continue to grow in the future.







The bar chart illustrates the extent of the generation gap between young people and their parents in China.

According to the data provided, the generation gap is most pronounced in the areas of values and lifestyle, with 70% of young people believing that their values and lifestyle are significantly different from their parents. This is followed by education, where 65% of young people feel that their educational background is different from their parents.

The main reasons for the generation gap are the differences in education and living experiences between young people and their parents. Young people today are growing up in a rapidly changing world, with access to more information and opportunities than any previous generation. This has led to differences in values, lifestyle, and attitudes towards life.

The generation gap can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts between young people and their parents. It is important for both sides to communicate openly and honestly, and to respect and understand each other's views and opinions.

In conclusion, the generation gap between young people and their parents in China is a significant issue, with differences in values and lifestyle being the most pronounced. Efforts should be made to bridge this gap, and promote better communication and understanding between different generations.







The pie chart illustrates the changes in dietary patterns in China over the past decade.

According to the data provided, there has been a significant shift in the consumption of staple foods, with an increase in the consumption of rice and a decrease in the consumption of wheat. In 2010, wheat was the most consumed staple food, accounting for 40% of total consumption. However, by 2020, this figure had decreased to 25%. Conversely, the consumption of rice has increased from 30% to 45% over the same period.

The reasons for this shift in dietary patterns are multifaceted. Firstly, the availability and affordability of different food sources have changed. With increased imports and domestic production, rice has become more readily available and less expensive. Secondly, there has been a growing awareness of the health benefits of certain foods. Rice is generally considered to be a healthier option compared to wheat, due to its lower gluten content and higher fiber content.

Additionally, there has been a significant increase in the consumption of processed foods and fast food. In 2010, processed foods and fast food accounted for 20% of total dietary consumption, but this figure had increased to 30% by 2020. This trend can be attributed to the convenience and affordability of these food options.

In conclusion, there have been notable changes in dietary patterns in China over the past decade. The consumption of rice has increased, while the consumption of wheat has decreased. Additionally, the consumption of processed foods and fast food has also increased. These changes can be attributed to factors such as changes in the availability and affordability of food sources, as well as growing health consciousness among consumers.



饮食结构变化的原因是多方面的。首先,不同食物来源的可用性和可负担性发生了变化。随着进口的增加和国内生产的提升,大米变得更加容易获得且价格更低。其次,人们对某些食物的健康益处的认识 growing awareness of the health benefits of certain foods. Rice is generally considered to be a healthier option compared to wheat, due to its lower gluten content and higher fiber content.



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