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单词百科:close to your vest是什么意思?close to your vest怎么发音?close to your vest的解释和用法

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英语单词close to your vest是什么意思?close to your vest怎么读?close to your vest怎么发音?瑞鸿网为您整理了close to your vest的解释、用法、例句、词组等相关学习资料。下面跟小编一起来看看吧!

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close to your vest怎么读

close to your vest的读音:[kləʊz tu jɔː(r) vest]

close to your vest的意思

1、Close to the vest用在一般情况下就是指一个人非常小心不让别人知道他在干什么

close to your vest的相关词组

1、failed to fetch 未能获取

2、award something to someone 把东西奖励给某人

3、awaken to 醒悟;醒来;

4、awake to 醒来时看[听]到;意识到,明白;

5、attune to 使调和;习惯于;习惯於

6、attributed to 所涉经费问题

7、attribute to 把某事归因于某人[某事];认为某作品出自某人之手;认为某事[物]属于某人[物];

8、attributable to [医]adj.可归因的,可归属的;

9、attitude to 态度

10、attest to 证实;证明了;

11、attend to 处理;注意;听取;致力于;

12、attempt to do 尝试去做;

13、attempt to 尝试,企图;试图做某事;

14、attain to <正>达到, 获致;

15、attachment to someone 对某人的依恋

16、attached to 附属于,隶属于;

17、attach to (使)贴[系,粘]在…上;(使)相关;(使)牵连;(使)依附;

18、attach oneself to 依附,参与;

19、attach importance to 重视;

20、At your service 听候吩咐;

close to your vest的双语例句

1、You hold your cards close to you so no one can see what you have. In everyday speech, holding your cards close to your vest means not letting other know what you are doing or thinking.

你小心地隐藏着自己的牌,这样,其他人就不能看到你的牌到底是什么。在日常生活中,holding your cards close to your vest意思是不让其他人知道你在做什么或者在想什么。

2、John, keep this close to your vest but I want to tell you our company is going to merge with a big New York corporation& they'll announce it sometime next week.


3、You can do a better job of bluffing if you hold your cards close to your vest.

如果你hold your cards close to your vest,那么在欺骗(bluffing)时你就会做的更好。

以上是瑞鸿网为您整理的close to your vest怎么读的相关信息,希望对大家有一定的帮助。查看更多关于close to your vest的用法、close to your vest的释义、close to your vest的相关详情请点击:https://dict.ruihongw.com/close to your vest

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