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洪磊:日本新版《外交蓝皮书》肆意抹黑中国Chinas Foreign Ministry has condemned an annual review of diplomatic relations which was approved by the Japanese government on Friday.Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong LeiForeign Mi


China’s Foreign Ministry has condemned an annual review of diplomatic relations which was approved by the Japanese government on Friday.


Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei

Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said the document ignores facts and maliciously hypes the China-threat theory. The spokesman also condemned new textbooks that claim Japanese sovereignty over the Diaoyu Islands, which China insists are part of its territory.

"Japan’s new Diplomatic Bluebook 2014 neglects the facts, wantonly blackens China’s name and unreasonably criticises China. We are extremely concerned and very dissatisfied," he said.

"It is Japan that has stirred up trouble over the Diaoyu Islands and the East sea. No matter what methods Japan uses and however it tries to confuse the public, the fact can not be changed that the Diaoyu Islands belong to China. Japan’s actions can not shake our strong will to protect our territorial sovereignty. We urge Japan to correct its attitude, stop all provocations and attempts to violate our sovereignty and harm our legitimate interests."

"Japan should teach its next generation in these textbooks the truth about the Diaoyu Islands. That is they are China’s, and that Japan has illegally snatched them away."

  • 本文标签:
  • 外交蓝皮书
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