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Two of British Prime Minister Theresa Mays closest advisers have resigned following the poor performance of the Tories in the snap election May had called for, in a development that reflects dissatisfaction from within t

Two of British Prime Minister Theresa May’s closest advisers have resigned following the poor performance of the Tories in the snap election May had called for, in a development that reflects dissatisfaction from within the Conservative party.

Fiona Hill and Nick Timothy were May's closest advisers, but decided to alienate themselves from the prime minister after the Conservatives failed to secure an overall majority. Their move further exposes May’s fragility after her gamble backfired, leaving her in a weakened position as the complex Brexit talks loom in the horizon.

Despite the immediate political and financial turmoil in the aftermath of the results, the extent of the snap election’s consequences on May’s leadership and her standing in the negotiations with the EU remains to be seen.

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