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17种让人反感的网络社交更新 你中枪了吗?

1. Declarations of love that dont ever need to declare: I love my daughter sooo much.没必要的爱的宣告:我好爱我的女儿啊。Analysis: They feel the need to convince someone like themselves, or perhaps felt a pang of love an

 1. Declarations of love that don’t ever need to declare: “I love my daughter sooo much.


Analysis: They feel the need to convince someone like themselves, or perhaps felt a pang of love and instead of telling the beloved, they felt the whole world should be in on it. Once, a friend of mine posted, “I hate my kid. Sorry to offend you, but he’s a little bastard and I’m sick of him.” obviously it was a joke, but 141 people felt the need to tell him what a bad parent he was.


2. Mundane details about their day appearing as milestones: “Going to dinner and a movie!!!”


Analysis: A very boring life.


3. Giving details about health along with emoticon to verify feelings about it: “Feeling sick today :("


Analysis: Bored, and too stupid to just play Words with Friends.


4. Emotional rant directed at no one in particular, but so specific that everyone knows they’ve been screwed over: “Never trust people who tell you they will pick you up at 6 just to make you wait an hour. Some people will never be mature enough to be in a relationship, so maybe they should be dumped.”


Analysis: Well, they can’t really give the person’s name or address them directly. That would be too honest.


5. Pictures of feet.


Analysis: I have no idea why people do this. It’s weird.


6. Pictures of mundane plates of food in front of them.


Analysis: "I’m eating. You have to see what I’m eating!" Well, maybe it looked better at the restaurant.


7. Dozens of trivial pictures of people and their new boyfriends/girlfriends smiling and posing.


Analysis: This is a very interesting phenomenon. I’ve looked at a lot of people’s Facebook albums. Women typically begin a relationship and immediately start accumulating evidence of it. The more insecure the woman, the more evidence there will be. She will begin posting them as default profile pics. In a couple of weeks, she will no longer have a profile pic with just her in it. Then she tags the boyfriend, and the tagged photos are often the only ones that the boyfriend has on his page. However, he is absolutely required to “like” all of them. You can tell how long a relationship will last by the difference in pics between the couple. If the woman has 30 and the man has 3 – it’s over in 3 months. You can also gage how invested in the relationship your female partner is by counting the pics. Anything over 10 should be a warning that she wants to marry you. Some people have over a hundred, which shows some serious desperation in providing evidence that, in fact, they are really together.


8. White girls wearing a lot of makeup and trying to strike a badass pose, sometimes making what they think are gang symbols.


Analysis: They wish they were badass, or at least half Chicano, but they’re just ridiculous.


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