
凯蒂·霍尔姆斯(Katie Holmes)和汤姆·克鲁斯(Tom Cruise)的女儿苏瑞·克鲁斯纽约街头和男友甜蜜现身!苏瑞穿着白色短款长袖,搭配裸色短裤,简约又时尚,脚踩深棕乐福鞋,手提单肩包,轻松hold住全场。男友托比·科恩(Toby Cohen)则是一身休闲蓝衬衫配黑裤,脚踩高筒靴,

凯蒂·霍尔姆斯(Katie Holmes)和汤姆·克鲁斯(Tom Cruise)的女儿苏瑞·克鲁斯纽约街头和男友甜蜜现身!


男友托比·科恩(Toby Cohen)则是一身休闲蓝衬衫配黑裤,脚踩高筒靴,戴着墨镜和戒指,脖子上挂着耳机,手腕还有绿松石吊坠手镯,型男一枚!



Suri Cruise, daughter of Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise, packed on the PDA with her boyfriend during an outing.

苏瑞·克鲁斯(Suri Cruise),凯蒂·霍尔姆斯(Katie Holmes)和汤姆·克鲁斯(Tom Cruise)的女儿,在外出时与男友亲密交谈。

She kept it casual during her New York City excursion, pairing a cropped, white long sleeve top with a pair of nude shorts. Suri paired the look with a pair of dark brown loafer-style shoes and a simple shoulder bag.


Her boyfriend, Toby Cohen, matched her energy with a casual blue button-down and black trousers. He wore heeled black boots and popped on a pair of dark shades, some rings, and wore a pair of his wired headphones draped over his neck. He also wore a small silver bracelet with a turquoise pendant.

她的男友托比·科恩(Toby Cohen)则以休闲的蓝色衬衫和黑色长裤来呼应她的活力。他穿着黑色高筒靴,戴着深色墨镜,佩戴着几枚戒指,还将有线耳机挂在脖子上。他还佩戴了一个带有绿松石吊坠的小型银色手镯。

They were seen with their arms wrapped around each other, pulling closer for a romantic kiss. Plus, the young lovebirds held hands and stared longingly into each other's eyes. Suri turned 18 in April and has been flaunting her newfound independence.




Tom Cruise has been dealt a major blow as his daughter Suri Cruise ditched his surname in what one expert believes is her "breaking ties with him for good".


The actor's 18-year-old daughter has reportedly dropped the Cruise part of her name and is now going by Suri Noelle. The name has a sweet nod to her mum Katie Holmes, whose middle name is Noelle.


Relationship expert Louella Alderson believes Suri's name change is significant and suggests she is "distancing herself from her father". Speaking exclusively to The Mirror, she said: "The decision to change one's name is often significant and can be seen as a way of asserting independence and creating a separate identity.


"In Suri's case, it seems like she doesn't have a relationship with her father and hasn't seen him in years, so the name change could be a way of symbolically breaking ties with him for good and embracing her own identity."



The daughter of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes celebrated her milestone birthday last month and enjoyed time with her mum. Her dad, meanwhile, wasn't by his daughter's side and was instead partying at Victoria Beckham's 50th birthday bash as his strained relationship with the teen seemed to be no closer to healing.


Tom is said to have felt guilty after missing his daughter's birthday and was ready to reconnect. A source told Heat shortly after her celebration: "Tom is feeling guilty about missing so much of her life, but insists that he hasn’t completely shut Suri out of his life, and does get updates from time to time." They added Tom had made the deal to "allow her and her mother to live their own lives because that was what Katie wanted".



PDA :abbr.(= public display of affection ) 公共场合亲密行为

casual :休闲的

cropped :短款的

long sleeve top :长袖上衣

nude shorts :裸色短裤

dark brown :深棕色的

loafer-style shoes :乐福鞋风格鞋子

shoulder bag :单肩包

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