
36岁的维琪·帕蒂森(Vicky Pattison)因“难以言喻的痛苦”被紧急送医。她在社交媒体上分享了一系列自己看起来不太舒服的照片,并解释了引发紧急送医的吓人症状。维琪表示,她从周四早上开始头疼,症状逐渐加重,包括发烧、喉咙肿痛等,严重到无法动弹。

36岁的维琪·帕蒂森(Vicky Pattison)因“难以言喻的痛苦”被紧急送医。



Vicky Pattison has been rushed to hospital after suffering ‘an untold amount of pain’.

在经历“难以言喻的痛苦”后,维琪·帕蒂森(Vicky Pattison)被紧急送往医院。

The former Geordie Shore star, 36, shared series of photos on social media of her looking unwell and explained the scary symptoms that sparked the hospital dash.

这位 36 岁的前《Geordie Shore》明星在社交媒体上分享了一系列自己看起来不舒服的照片,并解释了引发这场医院急诊的可怕症状。

Posting a brief explanation on her Instagram stories, Vicky said she ‘didn’t want anyone to worry’ after ‘a couple of days of silence on social media’.

维琪在她的 Instagram 动态上发布了一条简短的解释,她说在“社交媒体上沉默了几天后”,她“不想让任何人担心”。

‘Definitely not the weekend I was intending on having.. I was anticipating being up Mount Snowdon for gods sake 😂🤦🏻‍♀️’ she began.

“这绝对不是我打算过的周末……我本打算无论如何都要去爬斯诺登山(Mount Snowdon)的😂🤦🏻‍♀️”,她开始写道。

‘Don’t even know really to start, but I feel like I dropped that stupid story to let a few people who were concerned about my radio silence know I was being looked after & then loads more people just worried, which was never my intention, you’re all too kind btw 😞 I am feeling much better, but absolutely flying off my pain meds so I hope this isn’t all abit too chaotic.


‘I woke up on Thursday with a terrible headache, I ignored it & assumed it was because I’d had super long day the day before- anyway it persisted & became a sore throat, razor blade vibes & I got the fever, aches, pains, sore joints etc. I tried to get to an emergency doctors appointment but we got stuff in a terrible accident- a journey that should have take an hour took 6 & even though the Dr did his best on the phone he had no real way of knowing what was best. Fast forward 24hours & I had started to be sick which was just making everything worse- my throat was so swollen I couldn’t swallow, drink water & pain killers were completely out of the question, it was getting to the point where I physically couldn’t move.’

“周四早上我醒来时头疼得厉害,我没当回事,以为是前一天工作太久导致的。不管怎样,头疼一直持续,还变成了喉咙痛,就像有刀片在割一样,而且还发烧、浑身酸痛、关节痛等等。我试着去预约急诊医生,但是路上发生了严重的事故——原本一小时的车程花了六个小时,而且虽然医生在电话里已经尽力了,但他实在没有办法知道到底该怎么办。24 小时后,我开始呕吐,这让一切变得更糟——我的喉咙肿得厉害,连水都咽不下去,止痛药也完全吃不了,严重到我身体都无法动弹。”

Vicky then explained that after ‘staring to feel scared’ she made another emergency appointment with her doctor and was referred straight to A&E.


After around ’36 hours, six bags of fluid, three of antibiotics and an untold amount of pain relief’, Vicky said they were ‘starting to get to the bottom of things’.


‘They think it’s glandular fever, an big infection & an abscess in my throat. I didn’t allow myself any recovery time after covid & it’s just compromised my immune system I suppose.’


The TV star then explained how she hadn’t allowed herself any downtime this year and had ‘burnt the candle at both ends’ by working a punishing schedule and ‘ignoring all the signs’ that her body was desperate for a break after she felt drained, overwhelmed and was struggling to sleep at night, whilst also losing her appetite and not prioritising exercise.


‘I haven’t done anything since the half marathon in April which is so unlike me 😞This has been the wake up call I needed but I’m angry with myself I let it go this far- I’ll be in hospital for awhile & I think it’s for the best ♥️,’ she concluded.


Vicky shared a series of photos alongside the post, including looking exhausted while sitting on a chair in the emergency department, lying on a bed with an IV drip in her arm, crying in a selfie, and then watching old episodes of New Girls while recovering.

维琪在帖子旁边分享了一系列照片,包括她坐在急诊室的椅子上时疲惫不堪的样子、躺在床上输液的样子、自拍时哭泣的样子,以及康复时观看《New Girls》旧剧集的样子。


rushed to hospital:紧急送往医院

untold amount of pain:难以言喻的痛苦

emergency appointment:紧急预约

glandular fever:腺热,一种由病毒引起的疾病,通常表现为喉咙痛、发热、淋巴结肿大等症状。

burnt the candle at both ends:过度劳累

IV drip:静脉滴注

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