


1. I will finish my homework tonight. 今晚我将完成我的作业。

2. She is going to travel to Europe next summer. 她打算明年夏天去欧洲旅行。

3. They will arrive at the airport in an hour. 他们将在一个小时后到达机场。

4. We are going to celebrate our anniversary with a dinner party. 我们将用晚宴来庆祝我们的纪念日。

5. John will start his new job on Monday. 约翰将在周一开始他的新工作。

6. She will be happy to see you. 她见到你会很高兴的。

7. They are not going to attend the conference. 他们不打算参加会议。

8. I won't forget to bring my umbrella tomorrow. 我明天不会忘记带伞的。

9. We will have a test next week. 我们下周将有一次考试。

10. The concert will start at 7 pm sharp. 音乐会将在晚上7点准时开始。

11. Will you join us for lunch?(你愿意和我们一起吃午饭吗?)

12. She is going to buy a new car next month. 她打算下个月买一辆新车。

13. I will be ready by 5 pm. 我将在下午5点前准备好。

14. They will probably be late for dinner. 他们晚饭可能会迟到。

15. We are going to watch the sunset tonight. 我们今晚打算去看日落。

16. The movie will be released next Friday. 这部电影将在下周五上映。

17. He will call you as soon as he arrives. 他一到就会给你打电话。

18. I won't miss the flight, I promise. 我保证不会错过航班。

19. They will visit their grandparents this weekend. 他们这个周末将去看望他们的祖父母。

20. Will it rain tomorrow? 明天会下雨吗?

21. I will definitely be there to support you. 我一定会去支持你的。

22. She is not going to be able to make it to the party. 她不能来参加派对了。

23. The project will be completed by the end of the year. 这个项目将在年底前完成。

24. We will be having a barbecue this Saturday. 我们这周六将举行烧烤活动。

25. They will probably need more time to finish the assignment. 他们可能需要更多时间来完成作业。

26. Will you be able to lend me your book? 你能把你的书借给我吗?

27. He will start his own business in a few years. 他将在几年后创办自己的事业。

28. The flowers will bloom soon. 花儿很快就会开了。

29. We will have a meeting to discuss the proposal next week. 我们下周将开会讨论这个提案。

30. I will be leaving for my vacation tomorrow. 我明天就要出发去度假了。

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