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卡尔扎伊:阿富汗总统选举很成功Polls for Afghanistans presidential and provincial council elections have closed after a full day of voting. Hamid Karzai, the countrys outgoing president, declared the election a success.Ha


Polls for Afghanistan’s presidential and provincial council elections have closed after a full day of voting. Hamid Karzai, the country’s outgoing president, declared the election a success.

Hamid Karzai, Afghan president, said, "Today the people of Afghanistan demonstrated their democracy to the whole world. despite rain, cold weather and possible terrorist attacks, our dear sisters and brothers across the country, participated in elections and made our beloved country proud and successful."


Hamid Karzai, the country’s outgoing president, declared the election a success.

The vote marks the nation’s first democratic transfer of power. The turnout was so high, that some polling centers ran out of ballots.

The polls will now be followed by two weeks of counting, and the results are expected to be announced in mid-May. eight candidates are competing to succeed Karzai, though only three of them are considered serious contenders. A run-off is widely expected, since none is likely to win the majority needed for an outright victory.

  • 本文标签:
  • 卡尔扎 阿富汗
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