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双语:英国老伯种心形番茄 捐给慈善机构

It's not often a tomato is described as so sweet 'whenever people see it they just want to hug it' - but this was no ordinary piece of fruit.一颗普通的番茄,尤其是在没有被切开的时候,形状很少能有爱到让人一见就想要拥抱它

It's not often a tomato is described as so sweet 'whenever people see it they just want to hug it' - but this was no ordinary piece of fruit.


双语:英国老伯种心形番茄 捐给慈善机构

The heart-shaped tomato was grown by retired dagger maker, Rod Matless, who said he was shocked when he noticed it in his greenhouse while inspecting his latest produce.


Mr Matless, 69, who suffered a heart attack a few years ago, was so taken aback by the phenomenal fruit that he decided to sell it at auction and donate the proceeds to the British Heart Foundation.


The 2.26oz tomato was bought for £16 on eBay by a woman from Wales - who said she planned to give it to someone special.


Mr Matless, of Wymondham, near Norwich, said: 'It was a bit of an obvious thing to do I suppose.


'I spent a couple of days thinking about it and I wasn't really sure, but this seems like a good use.


'I hope it will do someone somewhere a bit of a good.'


He added: 'It's very sweet - whenever people see it they just want to hug it.'


But with the tomato's freshness a key factor, enthusiastic gardener Mr Matless was up against the clock to deliver it to its new owner before rot set in.


He said: 'I didn't want to send someone something horrible. I probably could have raised a bit more money with more time but I was worried about it.


'It will certainly make a nice present for a loved one.I hope that they like it and I'm glad I got to help.'


'It's all been very good fun and I've really enjoyed growing this very special tomato.'


The French once called tomatoes 'pomme d'amour', meaning love apple, but some say this is because they believed it was an aphrodisiac and had little to do with its shape.

法国人曾经把番茄称作“pomme d'amour”,意思是爱情苹果。但是有人说这样称呼并不是因为它的形状,而是法国人觉得它是一种促进情欲的药剂。

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