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关于2014博鳌论坛的英文报道Its been well over a decade since the Boao Forum raised its curtains once more on Tuesday let's have a quick look back on how this high level dialogue was started.Zhou Wenzhong, Secretary Genera


Its been well over a decade since the Boao Forum raised its curtains once more on Tuesday let's have a quick look back on how this high level dialogue was started.


Zhou Wenzhong, Secretary general of Boao Forum for Asia.

Boao forum is a non-profit organization that each year hosts leaders from government, business, and academia around the world to discuss current pressing issues.

The forum was proposed in 1998 by Fidel Ramos, former president of the Philippines, Bob Hawke, the former Australian prime minister, and Morihiro Hosokawa, the former Japanese prime minister. The forum was formally founded in 2001.

"Those three leaders felt Asia needed a platform, a forum to make its own voice heard. So they asked the then president of China, Jiang Zemin, to see if the forum could be placed somewhere in China. Jiang happily accepted and they decided to place the forum in Boao." Zhou Wenzhong, Secretary General, Boao Forum for Asia said.

Chinese president Xi Jinping attended the forum last year, and this year, Premier Li Keqiang will address the meeting.

"Participants will exchange opinions and discuss global issues. They agree on disagreements. Because policy makers also take part, some of the opinions could potentially be transformed into policies." Zhou Wenzhong said.

The Boao forum has gone on annually since its first meeting in 2002. This year’s hot topics will include sustainable development issues in Asia, such as the new economic driver of the region.

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