英语寓言故事:刻舟求剑(Making a Mark on the Boat)

Once in the land of Chu, there was a man who wanted to cross a river. As he got on the boat, he proudly showed a sword to everyone and said, "This sword was offered to the Dragon King Temple!" Then, he walked to a sharp rock nearby and, with a loud "ba

Once in the land of Chu, there was a man who wanted to cross a river. As he got on the boat, he proudly showed a sword to everyone and said, "This sword was offered to the Dragon King Temple!" Then, he walked to a sharp rock nearby and, with a loud "bang," cut it into two pieces with his sword. Everyone cheered!


By this time, the wind was blowing and the river was rippling. The man at the front of the boat warned, "Be careful not to fall into the water!" But the man from Chu kept talking about his sword. Suddenly, the wind grew stronger, and his hand didn't hold the sword tightly. The sword fell into the water.


The people on the boat were surprised. One said, "What a pity! I have a long stick. Let me see if I can reach the sword in the water and make a mark." Another agreed, "Yes, if the water is shallow, I'll help you get it!"


The man from Chu smiled and said, "Thank you, but I have a great idea." He picked up the rock he had cut and drew a line with the sharp edge of it on the side of the boat where the sword dropped. "My sword fell here!" he said proudly.


When the boat finally reached the shore, the man from Chu quickly went to the marked spot and jumped into the water to find his sword. An old lady on the boat shook her head and said, "Alas! This man doesn't understand change. The boat moves, but the sword stays. Things change, and methods must change too. What a silly man!"


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英语寓言故事:刻舟求剑(Making a Mark on the Boat)



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