英语成语故事:指鹿为马(Calling a Deer a Horse)

Once upon a time, during the reign of the Second Emperor of Qin Dynasty, there lived a clever but cunning prime minister named Zhao Gao. He dreamed of becoming the emperor, but he wasn't sure how many of friends and foes he had in the royal court.从前

Once upon a time, during the reign of the Second Emperor of Qin Dynasty, there lived a clever but cunning prime minister named Zhao Gao. He dreamed of becoming the emperor, but he wasn't sure how many of friends and foes he had in the royal court.


One sunny day, Zhao Gao brought a beautiful deer into the palace and proudly announced to the emperor, "Your Majesty, I present you with this swift horse!" The emperor looked and laughed, "But Zhao Gao, that's clearly a deer, not a horse!"


Zhao Gao smiled slyly and insisted, "Your Majesty, please examine it closely. This is indeed a swift and noble horse." The emperor peered again, puzzled, "But horses don't have antlers on their heads!" Zhao Gao then turned to the courtiers, asking, "What do you all think, is it a deer or a horse?"


The courtiers were taken aback. Some, who were brave but cautious, kept their heads down, afraid to speak the truth for fear of Zhao Gao's wrath. Others, who were honest and true, boldly declared it was a deer. And there were those who always followed Zhao Gao's lead, nodding eagerly, "Yes, indeed, it's a fine horse!"


After this, Zhao Gao found ways to punish those who dared to disagree with him, making the court tremble in fear. No one dared to speak the truth anymore.


From then on, the story of "Calling a Deer a Horse" spread far and wide, reminding everyone of Zhao Gao's trickery and how he twisted facts to suit his own desires. It teaches us to always speak the truth, even when it's hard, and to be brave against those who try to confuse right and wrong.


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英语成语故事:指鹿为马(Calling a Deer a Horse)



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