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中国反击特朗普 拟对128种美国进口商品征税

中国拟对128种美国进口产品加征关税,总价值约为30亿美元。此举被看作是中国对美国总统特朗普签署关税备忘录的反击。商务部于周五公布的清单中包含了钢铁、管子、坚果、水果等。China is planning to impose tariffs on 128 types of US

 中国拟对128种美国进口产品加征关税,总价值约为30亿美元。此举被看作是中国对美国总统特朗普签署关税备忘录的反击。商务部于周五公布的清单中包含了钢铁、 管子、坚果、水果等。

China is planning to impose tariffs on 128 types of US imports, totaling an estimated three billion US dollars. The move is seen as Beijing's first signs of retaliation after a string of US trade protection measures, including the latest move by Washington to slam its top partner with tariffs on up to 60 billion US dollars of imports from China.

The list published by the commerce ministry on Friday identifies steel, pipes, nuts, fruits, and wine which will be charged with a 15 percent tariff, while planning to add a 25 percent tariff on pork and scrap aluminum.

中国反击特朗普 拟对128种美国进口商品征税

The list will be open to solicitation from business associations and local governments until March 31.

Beijing has repeatedly urged the US to show restraint in using and abusing trade protection mechanisms in the name of national security, and has publicly addressed US intellectual property concerns, vowing for a more level playing field, ahead of this reciprocal act.

The list of imports the US feared were going to be targeted by China – soybeans, cars and aircrafts – were not included on the list.

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