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《舌尖上的中国》第二季香飘戛纳纪录片交易会In Cannes it's all about TV at the MIPDOC 2014, where industry insiders say it's a new era for documentaries. Among the main attendees is CCTV's documentary channel.The CCTV


In Cannes it's all about TV at the MIPDOC 2014, where industry insiders say it's a new era for documentaries. Among the main attendees is CCTV's documentary channel.

The CCTV documentary Channel brings seven original films to the event. In addition to "A Bite of China 2", there are four episodes of the documentary "Peony", filmed last year in China, Japan, France and the Netherlands. Meanwhile, "Huangshan Mountain" demonstrates the beautiful mountain scenery of Anhui Province.


"A Bite of China 2" from CCTV documentary Channel

Six episodes of the documentary "The Road of Porcelain" tell the story of how Chinese ceramic arts spread throughout the world.

There are also notable international cooperation projects, including "The End of the Wild" starring Yao Ming. It is jointly produced by the CCTV documentary Channel and New Zealand Natural History and Animal Planet, and tells about the ivory trade and illegal hunting in Africa.

"I think the documentary 'The End of the Wild' will not only have an impact in China, but also on the international market. It's a wildlife documentary series made solely by a Chinese crew," said Liu Wen, director of CCTV documentary Channel.

Participants from abroad say CCTV's documentary channel has made remarkable achievements in the international market, and that this event provides them a great platform to work with their global peers.

This annual event has attracted hundreds of representatives, producers and documentary distribution companies from all around the world.

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