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Will this futuristic design signal the wave of the future for superyachts for the super-rich? Shaped like the top half of a star, the concept vessel measures 162 feet in length and more than 60 metres in height, and has

Will this futuristic design signal the wave of the future for superyachts for the super-rich? Shaped like the top half of a star, the concept vessel measures 162 feet in length and more than 60 metres in height, and has over 3,500 square metres of luxury interior space for guests. Aptly named Star, the private yacht contains a central cluster of four lifts that provide access across eight decks.



With enough space for a helipad, sub-marine viewing deck and viewing platform at the top of its pointed tip, the yacht was designed for 36 overnight guests but can hold over 200 people for parties or other events. The vessel would have a maximum speed of 18 knots and a range of 5,000 nautical miles at 14 knots, and it would have the capability of rotating within its own length. The innovative superyacht was the brainchild of Lobanov Design and BMT Nigel Gee, and it began as a rough sketch on a napkin.


Designer Igor Lobanov said the initial idea was proposed by Alex Malybaev of FIRMA branding agency after the pair came to the conclusion that all yachts look the same to people outside the marine industry. He said: ‘It seems that modern architecture, product design and car design have no influence on yachts. Malybaev penned an idea “on a napkin”and asked me if a yacht could be like that.


‘I looked at the sketch and set to work. The idea was so great that I wanted to prove it could become a yacht.’ Igor collaborated with BMT Nigel Gee for naval architecture and to assess technical feasibility, and the result was a wildly unusual design for a vessel that could be used as a billionaire’s at-sea playground or an exclusive floating hotel.


James Roy, yacht design director of BMT Nigel Gee, said: ‘Historically yacht design has been described as both an art and a science.'Star is a tangible view of a 21st century interpretation of art and science. ‘We are fortunate to live in an era where technology makes the delivery of bolder designs more possible –for clients who are adventurous innovators anything is truly possible.’


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