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法国名作中国国家博物馆展出To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, ten French masterpieces are on display at the National Museum of China from April 11th


To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, ten French masterpieces are on display at the National Museum of China from April 11th till June 15th.

The special exhibition is displaying 10 paintings from five French museums, the hallmarks of French art history, including Rigaud's most famous work, Louis XIV, from the Palace of Versailles; Renoir's Dance at Le Moulin de la Galette from the Musee d'Orsay; and Pablo Picasso's Matador from the Musee Picasso Paris.

The 10 masterpieces have never before left France.


To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, ten French masterpieces are on display at the National Museum of China from April 11th till June 15th. (CRI)

"Some painters are familiar with the Chinese audience, but some are not, because our work is limited. We would like to take this opportunity to demonstrate a more comprehensive history of art in France," said French curator Cecil Neveu.

The exhibition will give China a chance to enjoy an in-depth understanding of these world masterpieces. Each piece represents an era of French culture. Although the works seem relatively independent, the collection forms a cross-section of "French art history".

"I think this display of famous masterpieces forms a cultural dialogue between China and France. It shows the differences between the two cultures, but also helps viewers understand the greatness of western art," said Chen Lvsheng, vice president of the National Museum of China.

The Croisements festival officially begins on April 11th, and will carry on through to July 10th.

The Festival, now in its 9th year, celebrates cross-cultural exchange between the two nations, exploring the disciplines of cinema, theatre, dance, music, visual arts, literature and new media.

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