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第二次世界互联网大会英文报道 2015世界互联网大会闭幕

WIC concludes amid calls for cyberspace governanceTonga's deputy Prime Minister, Siaosi Sovaleni, speaks at the Second World Internet Conference's closing ceremony in Wuzhen, East China's Zhejiang province on

WIC concludes amid calls for cyberspace governance

第二次世界互联网大会英文报道 2015世界互联网大会闭幕

Tonga's deputy Prime Minister, Siaosi Sovaleni, speaks at the Second World Internet Conference's closing ceremony in Wuzhen, East China's Zhejiang province on Dec 18, 2015. [Photo/china.com.cn]


Both developed and developing countries are faced with the challenge of cyber security and crime, and they are obliged to cooperate in governance of online activities, said Siaosi Sovaleni, deputy prime minister of Tonga, at the closing ceremony. "As president Xi said, cyberspace should not become a battlefield for countries to wrestle with one another, still less should it become a hotbed for crimes."

He was echoed by Jack Ma, founder and CEO of Alibaba Group, who said that "it will be too late when problems have occurred". "If we did not know how to manage the Internet twenty years ago, then we must now think about its management," he said at the closing ceremony.

All concerned countries should work together to govern the cyberspace, although they may be divided over the way of management, he said.

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