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珍贵彩色纪录片展示1947年中国人民生活一部由挪威传教士拍摄的时长81分钟电影回到了中国。这部珍贵的电影记录着1947年8个城市的中国人民的生活。An 81-minute film recorded in 1947 by a Norwegian missionary has been handed over to



An 81-minute film recorded in 1947 by a Norwegian missionary has been handed over to China. This precious film showcases the lives of Chinese people living in 8 cities at that time.

The color documentary was filmed by Norwegian missionary Carl Mortensen, who died in 1958. In 1985, his grand-daughter gave the documentary to John You, who has a close connection with China, especially the city of Ankang in northwest China’s Shaanxi Province.

John You came to China with his parents in 1940 and spent 7 years in Ankang. The kid in the documentary is named Qu Dayong, and was John’s friend at the time. 67 years later, the documentary has brought them back together in Ankang.


An 81-minute film recorded in 1947 by a Norwegian missionary

has been handed over to China.

"When I met John, I told him that he’s getting old, with his grey hair. I’ve never seen this before. It’s very precious." said Qu Dayong.

John considers Ankang to be his second homeland, and gave the documentary to the local government last year.

"The documentary was shown in Europe in 1948. It was the first time the world saw a colourful China. John You brought this documentary from Norway to me, and he has agreed that it can be used by China central Television." said Hang Tianshan, documentary Keeper.

The documentary contains 20 minutes of footage of Ankang, and also records the lives of people in Qingdao, Shanghai, Beijing, Chengdu, Chongqing, Hankou and Hong Kong. It is the first ever colour film shot by a foreigner in China.

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