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法国奢华彩蛋巧克力动物迎接复活节In France, when it comes to celebrating Easter, chocolatemakers love to do it in style. Theyre coming up with all sorts of novel creations for discerning customers but they come at a price


In France, when it comes to celebrating Easter, chocolatemakers love to do it in style. They’re coming up with all sorts of novel creations for discerning customers but they come at a price.

Speaking of Easter eggs, this has to be one of the biggest and the boldest. This rainbow-coloured egg is the work of Francois Perret, who’s been the pastry chef at the luxury Shangri-La Paris Hotel since 2009. And this year’s it’s the "Toy Egg" which is taking centre stage.


In France, when it comes to celebrating Easter, chocolate

makers love to do it in style.

"It’s a very intense chocolate that has at the same time a taste of dried fruit, so that breaks up the bitter taste a little. It’s a chocolate I’m very fond of. In contrast, we put small praline eggs inside which brings a sweet taste." said Francois Perret, Pastry Chef, Shangri-La Paris Hotel.

A smaller version of the egg is being sold at the hotel for 68 euros, or about 94 US dollars. Perret says he takes his Easter inspiration from many sources.

"I always look in toyshops, DIY shops and interior decoration shops to find ideas and inspiration for everything, from the aesthetics to the shaping." said Francois Perret, Pastry Chef, Shangri-La Paris Hotel.

According to Nielsen, a global information and measurement organization, almost 259,000 tons of chocolate were consumed in France last year that’s around 2.4 percent more than the previous year. And Easter represents around five percent of annual chocolate sales.


Stéphane Tranchet, the pastry chef at Le Burgundy Paris,

has brought a touch of freshness to this Easter by

creating a Rabbit Family in a vegetable patch.

The chocolate and patisserie industry, like many other places, is very competitive in Paris. A Pastry chef from the Plaza-Athenee Hotel ranks among the best. For Easter this year, he’s looked to his childhood music memories to come up with the "Rock and Easter" chocolate creation.

"You know, I grew up with singles so there it is: a 45 egg with a few chicken feathers here and there, it’s nice, it’s tasty and when you crush it you find small praline eggs, it’s everything I like." said Christophe Michalak, Parisian Pastry Chef.

Lenotre is a luxury catering company founded in France in 1957. The company has a large scale distribution chain with 39 shops in 11 countries.

A "Circus" collection is the star of Lenotre’s show this Easter. The centrepiece is a giant chocolate elephant weighing six kilograms and priced at 990 euros. But while these unique and luxurious Easter creations are sure to turn heads, for many they are simply out of reach.

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