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CCTV9英语新闻:八达岭长城灯光倒计时迎新年Badaling Great Wall lit up to celebrate New YearThe new year has arrived in China, with celebrations of fireworks and light shows across the country. In the capital city of Beijin


Badaling Great Wall lit up to celebrate New Year

The new year has arrived in China, with celebrations of fireworks and light shows across the country. In the capital city of Beijing, the Badaling section of the Great Wall was lit up with lights and lasers to form a giant dragon. With the theme of "Flying Your Dream and Blessing the World", the New Year countdown provided tourists and locals with light shows and traditional Chinese performances to greet the 2014.


In Shanghai, a light show and fireworks display have attracted 200 thousand people to the Bund waterfront. During the 10-minute light show, there were images of China’s pavilion at the Shanghai World Expo, Disney Land, the Eiffel Tower in Paris, and the Colloseum in Rome taking viewers on a journey to landmarks around the world.


The Arabic numbers of 2014 are displayed in this long-exposure photograph taken on a

section of the Great Wall during a New Year countdown ceremony in Beijing on Dec 31, 2013

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  • 八达岭
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