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北京展出大理白族文化Yunnan Province has one of the richest and most diverse ethnic cultures. One of the provinces ethnic minorities is being showcased in Beijing this week. The cultural festival is celebrating the tradit


Yunnan Province has one of the richest and most diverse ethnic cultures. One of the province’s ethnic minorities is being showcased in Beijing this week. The cultural festival is celebrating the traditions of the Dali Bai Ethnic Prefecture at the Cultural Palace of Nationalities.

The week-long activity focuses on the unique culture of the Bai people. On offer are Bai dances by performers wearing traditional outfits, and visitors can also watch Bai artists create unique artworks on the spot.


The week-long activity focuses on the unique culture of the

Bai people. On offer are Bai dances by performers wearing

traditional outfits, and visitors can also watch Bai artists

create unique artworks on the spot.

Among the most popular attractions are tie dying and samples of local tea, which is renowned in China.

The Dali prefecture of Yunnan is home to the most Bai people in the country. It has become one of Yunnan’s hottest tourist destinations, offering beautiful natural scenery along with colorful unique culture.

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